I am hoping it doesn’t. The industry has plenty of MP focused/infused games; some of us grown folks still like playing games alone in the dark with no other human interaction; like goblins.
I am hoping it doesn’t. The industry has plenty of MP focused/infused games; some of us grown folks still like playing games alone in the dark with no other human interaction; like goblins.
I am glad developers seeing that there is indeed a strong market for the DA/Witcher/AC narrative driven RPG-Action genre WITHOUT the need to shoehorn a multiplayer component. The market has largely been regulated to the prior three I mentioned and I am excited for a new IP coming out that seems to be right up my ally…
Chapelle has been making those gym gains for a hot min. But lets be clear; NOW he looks normal, healthy and got some thickness. Before he looked like the black version of one of the interstate tube dudes that flop about in the wind.
Bruh you lost me when you compared Jay-Z to Trane then gave the nod to Jay-Z....That was some 2016 DNC Fuckshittery right there.
I can’t be the only one who wants more Agents of Mayhem? TBH I prefer it over the Saint’s series (which also is a great time don’t get me wrong)...but the overt satire of the hero-shooter/GI Joe genre was just too perfect for the time.
I am too old to consider 2012 a year to be thrownback to in the year 2019.
I have a radical thought. How about Hasbro uses some of the revenue it has gained from the multi generational cornering of the toy market in the US to fund its HasLab project. I simply cannot get behind major corporations turning to crowdfunding to get their products launched.
Strongly disagree here. Someone at design HQ at McDonald’s knew exactly what they were doing and is right now laughing their ass off right up until they get shitcanned.
Duke Nukem 3D The Bible has not aged well whichever way you look at it.
Surely EA and Bioware must know at this point they would generate more revenue for FY20-21 if they simply shut this version of the game down, and pulled an FF14.
Thank you to all of the gaming journalists who brought this story to light and created a discussion for this to happen. However you may feel on the outcome, I am sure the workers at Rockstar are appreciating the quality of life changes that all seem to be moving in a positive direction.
I get the feeling Trump thinks this is actually a thing:
You would have done each and every one of these things if you had a Lamar in your life.
TBH this is an amazing strategy. Both parties have long sense stopped campaigning on reality so might as well tell us he is gonna open the StarGate, cure cancer, terraform Mars, get Cardi B an Oscar, capture both Bigfoot AND the Loch Ness Monster, and cure AIDS all before the 1st season of Amazon’s Lord of the Rings…
Key Point: Admitting to the public that he is a racist is not the same as saying“I won’t vote for him”.
Bruh....If a Dad joke could tell a dad joke; this is some deep cut shit right here.
38 years old. I had the exact same reaction.
If he was in the live action 90's film. He was important. I reject your heresy.
Pssh...those babies aren’t innocent. They know what they did.