
Could probably give you a very long academic and dry synopsis on how by as a person of color by default it is impossible to be racist due to the dynamics of power that need to be present for said ism to be an actual thing....but if you are using that particular term to describe what I said, then the nuance or even

I am going to show my age here and list a game that fundamentally changed my belief system on the value of what pixels can do to a pre-teen adolescent reproductive system.

I am going to just leave this here because it is accurate given the context, feel free to flag it, keep it in the grays, or whatever you need to do but this needs to be said:

I certainly hear your view point on this story (and portrayals in the media in general) of folks who identify as bisexual-queer. I am a hetero normative black man, and while there is certainly a Mandingo-ism that is attached to my black maleness (aka BBC-isms or BDE), and there was a time (read Birth of a Nation)

Going to just say this now. SNK knows fighters better than Capcom.  I used to tell my friends that who ever worked in SNK’s development teams were themselves martial artists and understood combat pacing in a way that Capcom never seemed to get correct. 

You know...If you are old enough to remember fighting games in arcades then you are old enough to know that all of the tactics, technique, and guard point mastery in the world still get owned by the 10 year old who just puts in a token, mashes buttons, and makes you go home and throw away every GamePro, EGM, and

I think Castro clearly replaced O’Rouke as the candidate to keep a closer eye on. If any candidate gained anything from yesterday, it was him.

Demons Crest remake next please!

I want to like this. Having playing every game of this type since the original Dark Forces. But something about this entire presentation, feel, movement and tone feel very anti-Star Wars. After playing the Force Unleashed (the 1st one of course), it really did set the tone for HOW much of a force a force user can be


Remember in 1692 when women who spoke out against shitty male behavior was responded to with death threats and public excommunication?

Dunno how this would translate into a fighting game given the premise. It needs to be a tongue-in-cheek beat em up.

Well...thankfully (hopefully?!) you are not in a position to determine what is or isn’t a big deal anywhere other than in your own mind.

Almost as if the MCU is of what the iconic characters were before hand. *Shrug* As entertaining as the movies were; they were not the versions of my childhood.

As a ride or die tank (Bear Druid, Red Lantern, Abolisher, Wudang, Dark Knight you name the major MMO and I have tanked it’s content); this was a delightful read.

Sounds like Jennifer Kent went to the “Goblin Slayer” school of movie making.

So while I am glad to hear about this; to be honest. Divinity Original Sin 2 WAS Baulders Gate 3 for me. I know the story wasn’t the same etc but that game felt like the real successor to the genre done right in the modern era.

This man has learned something bout the universe the rest of us aren’t privy to. I feel he is trying his best to pretend like he is just a regular person but clearly he is missing a “strand” or two in his ability to come across as a sane human.

The problem with the X Men Movies is the fact the 90s X Men cartoon set the bar impossibly high for the series. Most of us have seen it. Most of us can clearly hear Apocalypses booming voice, Cyclops’ pretty boy smug-ness or Logan saying “bub” at least 5 times an episode. Not to mention it stays nearly shot for shot

This. Copyright/Trademark law is there for a reason; and there are channels you can indeed go through to legally use copyrighted materials in your media. Activation simply wasn’t willing to pay the proper licencing fees or proper channels to make it happen, and not they are being dinged for it.