
The more I read these articles, the more I really feel that the gaming industry needs heavy unionization. The human cost quotient for these products/games is never justified and is something I hope to see remedied in the coming years. 

I hate to be “that guy” but I feel I would be doing my industry a disservice if I didn’t suggest that you contact your institution (assuming this counselor still works there) and inform them of this. It is REALLY bad advice that will cost many students opportunities and can blemish the reputation of your school;

I am a Director of Career Development at a rather well known NYC collegiate institution. I can tell you 100% this is not a good idea. It puts the employer in a compromised position and potentially even legally liable. One of the fastest ways to ensure you DON’T get the job is by putting yourself out there as a legal

You are the exactly the type of person the creators of South Park daydream about as they lay on top of their dumptruck piles of money, recognition, and cultural importance. You give them a reason to exist, and to simply prove you wrong in every aspect of your statement.

Articles like this are my main problem with journalism at a whole. The title was “Why People are So Mad at the Epic Games Store” and the entire article should have simply been this:

Bruh isn’t there a new GoT season for you to watch or something? Why so edgy?

Can I recommend Goblin Slayer as a fun family friendly fantasy romp?.....It is absolutely this; AND NOTHING ELSE (shifty eyes).

I feel like gaming in 2019 has essentially lifted the “worst” concepts of MMOs of the 2000s (service oriented products with content released over time to get the full “experience”) without the key factor that made those games so successful. Content that people want to actually keep doing.

Looking at his photo he seems to have what is commonly referred to as “skinny fat” which is one of the easier body types to go from “chunk” to “lean”. Already a strong base line metabolism, and muscle to fat ratio that allows for optimal burn in a short amount of time. With a dedicated regimen it IS indeed possible

To piggy back on this topic:

I am looking forward to this Borg like trend of all BR games just siphoning off features until they becoming indistinguishable from one another and the whole genre finally dies out (or at least goes back to becoming more niche) due to over cannibalization.

Sokpop? Are we sure these boyband/devs aren’t just pod people created by Hanson in an underground lab funded by their MM-Bop hit?

I think this could be an interesting way to finally close out the series...Create a new ancestral line starting with: 

Danelaw (viking invasion of England)...then Formation of England (Edward the Great period)...then flash forward to the crusades and full circle into the OG Assassins Creed. Series finally ends in 2028.

It is almost like no one learns anything about lessons from history. Huh...who would have thunk it.

I am thinking of diving back into the game again. I tried doing it around 6 months ago but I frankly couldn’t keep up. People were speedrunning through everything and it took every bit of me just to keep up and was not an enjoyable experience. I thought it was just maybe that group but it seemed like every mission I

I have to say I love the idea of infusing afrocentrism into the RPG genre which by and large is mostly eurocentric. Clearly there is a nice amalgamation here that works well and I look forward to seeing more from this in the future!

Good on Gearbox and good on Epic for this. To be honest, Steam/Valve has proven itself to be rather morally devoid for sometime now especially in it’s largely ambivalent attitude towards censorship.

Heather, speaking as a person of color with a disability, it is completely unreasonable for me (acknowledgement of personal opinion here) to expect everyone without my disability to cater to me. While I agree dismissal of issues is never the right path, neither is expecting an “easy mode” or “accessibility” options

Guess this is an easy solution to get it on PS4 then! I always find the Borderlands series to be a better couch game anyway.