
I can only hope for his recovery. I won't watch video.

Nah, they just used the stock image they got from Subaru Australia.

Is it just me or is the picture Orloved?

Keep Calm

Direct Links

I'm hoping for this. And then V70R.

Add This Volvo, Xbox, for we must høøn it.

Montezemolo took over as Ferrari's chairman in 1991. The F40 started production in 1987. This is a ranking of his years, not overall.

To the 5,000,000 people who are about to post this: The Hennessy Venom GT is NOT a Lotus Elise. You're welcome, now carry on with your lives.

because of how they drive really. A G63 on a race track, despite that engine, that gearbox, and those tires, would be a joke. A Jeep SRT on a track, though heavy, is still fundamentally a really fun experience. Adding some power to the SRT would enhance that experience at a reasonable price, whereas the G65 is

Dodge Challenger, the official car of telling the rest of the world to go fuck itself.

Is that two sets of fog lamps... and an LED strip? Lights are getting out of control.

RIP rusty slammington

No. It's getting resurrected.

Ahhhh the Prelude was such a missed opportunity for Honda...

Green for me.

Let us not forget the TerraCorsa

Oh! I almost forgot about this one (which would be a shame, since I've always really wanted one)...