
Found the listing for the Merc on CL for a $1,000 less.

Am I the only one who saw him lane split DIRECTLY IN FRONT OF AN LEO? All this talk about lane splitting... blah blah blah.

My initial thoughts...

Yes. Yes you ARE condoning terrorism. You are excusing it because they are a smaller group. You are telling yourself it’s okay because they are the underdog. And I understand the logic, there is an equal and opposite reaction to everything. You attack us, we attack you and it continues forever, until after a while...

Ugh, I hate to even get involved, but here is another hypothetical...

Me too, down in Norwalk. Kinda want to go test drive it.

Was just looking at this. Close as I’m gonna get in the US. Still awesome.

Step 1. Be black.


“Jalopnik Notes” link is broken.

Depends 100% on the suspension. The adjustable suspension on Rs is expensive and prone to issues. $5K all day with stock struts. $8K if struts are new.

Aaaaand thats in my schedule.

Is Chris Harris the new [not] Stig?

Less death.

There is ONE good thing about it... that license plate!