
This is a great point. I’m gonna be really sad to see my favorite shop close down because of Amazon:

Indeed they did. They ran those tests without the correct components that would identify whether or not a person had the mutation. Whether or not there was a negative result that was missed, all of those tests were indeed faulty.

This goes some way to confirming my feeling about S7. Whereas every other series appears to have been based on books, with connective tissue that makes sense of the big scenes, this last batch of episodes felt more like it was based on notes.

This is a useful GIF.


It is good to remember that these people don’t want free speech. They want freedom from criticism for themselves.

Since Jaden Smith is 100% biodegradable, how about we start with him?

You know it’s funny you say that. I used to have the same exact opinion. But then I decided what the hell, I’ll try being an Uber driver for shits and giggles. I went through the process of becoming a driver and then last week turned on the app for a night. I gave 13 rides and quit. People are fucking assholes

Google Domains : : I love it because it’s easy to use, ties in perfectly with the rest of your Google account, and they have free private registrations (isn’t it like upwards of $12/year at other places?). Like others, they have a ton of the GTLD’s to choose from (.ninja, .business, etc, along

Google Domains : : I love it because it’s easy to use, ties in perfectly with the rest of

Correct. Dadtaku stories are written for parents to say “oh man yes this is bad i understand this”, not for teenagers to give unsolicited parenting advice.

This shit needs to be crossposted to Deadspin immediately.

Also, played like 50 hours of Zelda.

Right away, unpack and eat an MRE. Those things will stop you up for days.

Knew after Korea, China, Japan, it would only be a matter of time before America had its own death-by-video-game victim. Sad.

And it’s not just OSHA that’s concerned about excavation, considerd one of the most hazardous construction operations.

That there is some armor for considering conundrums and pondering pickles in.

No, Jason. You seem like a nice guy. Not my favorite actor know. But, yeah, fuck this guy. You weren’t asked to be a part of his...thing. Let him eat paper until he shits a notebook. Fuck this.

Blizzard. Get that banhammer out.