Oh fuck. Well I haven’t touched Destiny in 2 months, but this isn’t something I can overlook.
Oh fuck. Well I haven’t touched Destiny in 2 months, but this isn’t something I can overlook.
Please fix the embedding of GIFs. Since you’ve moved to gfycat, I only see the top-left corner embedded in the post.
Moving to Texas.
Rocket League of course. I finally started playing ranked after I felt like I was decent enough. Completed 5 games so far with 1 loss (and seriously, we had one guy on our team get 2 saves on the enemy goal and 2 ow goals), so I’m probably not going to drop it soon.
I still don’t see the reason why everyone loves Gjallahorn. I honestly didn’t see THAT much of a difference.
I’m completely lost with what MGDMT has been doing lately. Which is sad because that was my favorite.
Just MILKING the series at this point. Probably still going to play it. Probably still going to piss myself again.
Please, like it’s worth hiring a security guards to check everyone’s badges when they come in. I work for an international company, at our corporate offices. My badge is in my wallet and not once have I been asked to see it. It’s a fairly common thing, really.
Having played ME1 probably around a dozen times, I have to say they really pushed guns into your face towards the end. Like I found ways to do things without them, but the game was significantly easier with them. Which sucked.
It’s alright I guess. Not really worth an exotic slot in my opinion. My fully maxxed Gjallahorn just sits in the locker because I don’t ever use it. I would much prefer a Hunger of Crota and an exotic primary such as my lovely Mythoclast.
I’ve had my Thorn bounty for something like 5 months now. My only void weapon is a rocket launcher after I accidentally broke down my void sniper while extremely stoned. I hover anywhere from 0 to 50 out of the 500 I need in PvP. Shit pisses me off so much. On top of all of this, I have played Crota’s about 20 times,…
Interestingly I read something about this on Reddit, it’s a good read. I honestly don’t think that a few small (arguably bad) indie games make any statistical significance.
I ended Sunday with 50/500 on my Thorn bounty. I ended yesterday with 12/500 on my Thorn bounty. Having only a void Heavy sucks.
Black Hammer is an absolute beast. I ran a 32 PoE (seriously, how does everyone manage 34 so fast?!) and was the only one with Black Hammer. With some ammo synthesizers loaded up, and 2 teammates keeping everyone off of me, we didn’t see much of a problem nailing that boss down.
Well that’s a real sting to the ticket I got, 3 weeks arriving in Phoenix, for going too slow to the flow of traffic. I was going 55 in a 55 zone. The officer said I was driving dangerously because of how slow it was. Really love traffic laws.
5 years ago I would have called you many bad things. I actually attempted to rewatch this a couple months ago and it was... Well, not as great as I remembered it. Ah how cool things were when I was a teenager.
You are both horrible people.