
"Fuck all" - PR, Star Wars division, Disney.

This is why I have trust issues with digital distribution. Even though my Steam library is 100+ now, I'd still prefer physical or DRM-free media to something managed like this. As a developer, it costs me nothing to have a game available in the Play Store; it only costs me

When it comes to something between me and a speeding truck full of explosives, I like the idea of something so simple being so effective, rather than relying on something complicated that has the potential to be... more effective on their part.

Not to mention how they plan to compress the data in such a way that can actually be shipped. At the level of detail they claim, we'd be seeing terabytes of data to describe what amounts to a few levels in a game. So either we're going to need huge drives, or there's lossy compression involved.

I want to see what this Majora's Mask cosplay is all about D:

Also one of my favorite maps when I played on Halo PC online multiplayer. CTF was so intense!

I'm really going to need some back story to that twitter post you linked to. Care to shed some light on that story?

I'm glad I'm not the only one who reinstalled WC3 as a direct result of that trailer. Happy to say I've just gotten to the Frozen Throne expansion.

Well, with simple tools such as WorldEdit, you could copypasta any area in Minecraft to a new area. So just each cell to link to each-other in a rectangular format, and copypasta exponentially!

Man I love creepypasta, if only the internet weren't filled with the stuff <_< Hey, next article you should write about Pokemon Black, that was worth the read too.

Any chances on an android port? I'll surely be picking this up if you do come out with one.

People don't buy shitty ports, that's all there is to it. The other big issue is that the Wii U really isn't that powerful compared to other consoles, so I might as well buy the more graphically intense games for the PS4 instead.

This entry isn't about myself, but actually about a good friend in high school that I still keep in touch with.

We used to play WoW together, and my friend here was the guild leader of the guild I was in. We were a fairly serious progression guild through BC, WotLK, and somewhat into Cataclysm. The guild was split into

Seems like a step backwards to me. I love how one cord can do both component and composite capture. I wonder if the HD60 will record or at least pass-through surround sound. My biggest gripe with the original is that if I am using surround sound through my sound system, only two channels make it to my sound system. I

Man, I ordered my Game Capture HD just 2 weeks ago. I suppose it doesn't matter too much, the difference between 30fps and 60fps isn't too significant (not like most of the games I play go to 60fps anyways).

I think it was more so that Microsoft reaally didn't want to do it, but eventually gave into the pressure.

I would love to see gas prices like that. Here in Portland, OR the local gas station that I regular jumped from 3.99 to 3.95, the first change in price in the past 2 months. Suffice to say I was stoked.

actually the case regarding proved that part wrong. Sony would still own rights.

This reminds me about the game guide I got with 'Link to the Past' back when I was but a young child. The guide would always reference him as "Your character" or "you", not once calling the character "Link".

Anytime he is referenced in another Zelda game, it is simply "legendary hero" (Wind Waker).

We can also point to

Ness is considered a bottom-tier character by all the people who min/max the game. However so long as I'm not playing against god-tier players, I'm almost untouchable when I play as Ness.

3 years ago when I moved to AZ, it took me a good month to decide what I wanted for my entertainment system. I settled for something much like this:

3 years ago when I moved to AZ, it took me a good month to decide what I wanted for my entertainment system. I