Can’t be, there aren’t any left.
Can’t be, there aren’t any left.
1972 Fiat Dino Coupe. It was in a garage in my old neighborhood in Brooklyn, already shabby in the late seventies. Dark blue with an interior the color of a basketball. Ferrari badges glued on. I tried to buy it a couple of times in the mid eighties, but the guy would not think of selling. In the late eighties the guy…
We saw this last week on the ALFABB. Looks like a very nice example. Too high priced for me, bt you never know. What stumps me is that if you have something that’s one of fifty why put stickers on it and change the wheels? Worth more 100% original, no?
I just did this job on my 2001 F150. Runs great, but it’s rusty as all hell. Saved my truck from the junkyard. If I had gone to a shop the cost of the lines, rotors and pads would have been more than the truck was worth. I spent about $475 including fluids, a master cylinder, all rotors and pads and a new parking…
When it comes to snow tires Craigslist is your friend. I just bought 4 nearly new Toyos on original Merc Benz wheels for my C Class.Paid 400 for the lot. Tires had 2 winters on them and are like new. Lots of others available for all kinds of cars.
Took mine way back in 1977 in Brooklyn. The instructor was a local HS gym teacher trying to finance his brand new 1977 Ford Elite. It was a metallic rust color over tan with a vinyl landau roof and opera windows. It was our driver’s ed car! Chevy Monte Carlo competitor and a real malaise POS. He was a muscular Italian…
My 2001 Ford F150 looks great until you open the doors. Ford must use some rubberized paint because broad swaths of my truck are actually held together by the paint which still looks good and shiny, even up close. I first realized I had a problem when I smelled gas and the top of my gas tank was just gone!! Then one…
I don’t think the 2 door was ever built. This would have been an eldorado, but never got to production. I think it’s a better design than the 4 door.
I like the one warning not to use cool water on a hot day if you have stars or cracks in your windshield.
My old ALFA gets noticed a lot, the one guy I hate is the one who needs to tell me how undependable my car is. Funny thing is that in the eight years I have owned it the only thing that let me down was a broken throttle cable easily Mac Givered with some string.
That’s a Fleetwood. Eldos onlt had 2 doors
Not surprising at all. FCA owns Maserati. Dummies did not put an Alfa Romeo dealership in NYC of any of the five boroughs. Just crazy.
That rally car looks like an old ALFA. I have a 74 Spider and needed to do the same trick last year to get home from Litchfield CT. Ran the string from the throttle over the windshield and drove the 50 or so miles home on the secondary roads. I always tell new ALFA owner to keep a throttle cable, string and duct…