
seriously? a 1TB flash drive? Why isn't my phone 500 gigs and my laptop 10 TBs by now?

My work has given me the pleasure to fly around the world, I am not american nor do i work there. I have had Mcdonalds in France, Switzerland, UK, Egypt, and all over the middle east in general. I have also been to the States…I was shocked to see that the US stores were the worst tasteless food i have ever come across

I saw the surface of the moon

interesting, thanks for responding…but what i meant was will he turn into a shwarzenegger on roids kinda thing? or thats pretty much as big is he's going to get...

so wait…this bane is not gona be juiced up?

This is just a conspiracy to get the FDA to approve on this "glow in the dark" crowbar…who are they trying to fool…its obviously made out of kryptonite...

It feels a little clustered…i mean i got a whole lot of the open blue background space, why would they make the thread smaller? But other than that looks pretty much the same…oh and i hate how they switched sides having the tweets on the right...

I know its vague, Im not a professor…you want more info on the subject look it up instead of posting mocking comments

Fact i learned in college biology: The reason prehistoric creatures were so large was because of the excess oxygen in the atmosphere at that time. In short if they were alive today, they would be significantly smaller. I wonder how this will turn out...

My question every time an article like this comes up (ie water on the moon, water on comets) is how do they know its h2o water and not just some other liquid?…its not like the have a sample...

the process is called desalination and has been used for years around the world…the problem with that is the massive amounts of left over salt (too much to sell even). some companies have resorted to dumping it back into the ocean which is dangerous to the surrounding habitat

Just as i thought…i was just thinking of doing this for like worst case scenario that i use up all the memory in my 16g iphone

ok quick thought…say I try this out and decide to conserve space on my iphone…I put all my music on my laptop, and use the cloud to DOWNLOAD each song as I listen to it…My question is that I currently have a 5 gb cap on my plan, wouldn't this plus the all the other downloads my phone does (browsing, youtube, maps,

nice…now everytime I switch phones I have to go back to the carrier to get a new sim for a fee? the only way i'll approve of this bullshit is with free adapters for backwards compatibility...

you've been a bad very bad boy! now go stand in the corner and think of what you've done!

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH you racist son of a bitch ahahahahah


Because i thought it was going to be a instant messaging service like bbm, skype, and whatsapp…i don't know about you, but i find regular sms to be dull

I understand, but what about display pictures and status updates like other IMs? Im just saying that it is very basic and simply put, free sms for i phones…The rumors going around had me expecting something totally different.

Am I the only one disappointed with imessage? rumors were saying it was the blackberry messenger beater...you cant have any statuses no display picture no specific list…not even its own app icon! its just integrated in the normal sms it just happens to turn blue when your messaging someone who happens to have another