
Guess presenting an educated counter argument is crying now. So much for discourse. I’m done here. Gonna dry my tears.

The context of the remaining paragraph is very important here.

So she should then post said uncomfortable private conversation online instead of choosing to not respond or informing him that she’s uncomfortable?

I JUST bought this for full price a few days ago =(

I JUST bought this for full price a few days ago =(

Aww Pablo, you’re a doll!

I actually JUST made a batch of Brown Butter Chocolate Chips❤🍪.

I can see from zooming into the picture that it’s a USB-C!

This fucking part! There’s even less of a reason for this holiday event to be more than one day since pretty much everybody is at home right now. It’s more of a nuisance than anything. 

“Dead body’s like a piece of trehsch. I mean, shove as much shit in there as you want, I won’t tell em—

I’m good with moooostly everything but... I am kinda freaking about this whole unemployment thing.

Both clunky and finicky like you said. Had one good string if I recall,  but he had to be played very specifically.

You’re argument is that cheating matters because this game is multiplayer; but it’s also not competitive. If cheating only affects what YOU have in YOUR game —even if somebody else sees— why does it matter?

But it's not a competitive one either lol.

Caught --red-- BLACK handed!

If I recall the headlines, this was one of, if not THE fastest selling pokemon title of all time— do you understand that? Do you REALLY think that out of all of these sales including the sales of the past, that they didn’t have enough money to pay their employees? They’ve been working on this long before they asked

This is a fucking great article lol

I knew it wasn’t going to be me.

I make the "Who opened the window!?" reference all the time to no avail =(

Sounds like GG Millia Oki advice to me lol.

This deserves far more stars than most comments!