
I believe both do essentially the same thing. I believe the salt draws out inflammation and I presume the whiskey must do the same. A sore throat is an inflamed, irritated throat, so making it less inflamed helps.

Which kit is the most compatible with projects - the Sparkfun or the Adafruit one?

Maximum pc is very good for tech developments, and if you are interested in building computers they've got good system building guides for all types of computers. I read that a lot.

Whitson - Have you had any stability issues running Windows? I'm interested in installing Windows 7 on my (2011) MacBook Air, and I'm wondering how you do it, and if you ever encounter any bugs, driver issues, etc. while using Boot Camp.

Go into Power Options and change the functionality of closing the lid.

Paper clips... not a good long-term solution, but they work really well in a pinch.

Wait. For sure, wait. You'll be happy you did... and if the refreshes aren't up to snuff, just get the old one refurbished and save a ton.

Also, you can close tabs by middle-mouse clicking the tab in question. Works well if you're more of a mouse person.

I believe you've stated your handwriting is bad... not much you can do about that, but the Livescribe Echo and Pulse pens record audio and play back whatever was going on when you wrote a certain text snippet... look it up for details.

Terrible, right? luckily you can use the cache if you google search it.

VOTE: Flickr

I've noticed that. They usually seem to be just plain chronological, which can be a real pain for multi-threaded posts.

Is it just me, or does the forum need threaded responses? I was reading the replys to a post I had made, but I had no idea who was replying to me or replying to someone else. It was a mess.

So... I've got Modern Warfare 2 for PS3. I'm going to get Modern Warfare 3, but is it worth it to buy it now, or should I wait until later??

Does DVD Decrypter work for more recent movies? And how fast is it?

Anybody got any good gift-able steam games from extra packs? Gift me one, please! I will be eternally grateful. Reply for my steam name.

Multi-platform: Skyrim

I've got DSL... we've been doing this for like a decade before all of you had even heard of it! Actually, I've got the opposite problem. If my dad's working and my sister's streaming Netflix (happens A TON!) I can't even access email.

Figures that Dropbox is number 1 and Chrome is number 2... we're such geeks.

I did make a second character... I've been scared of quicksaving, so I haven't yet... it shows all the save games, but it doesn't really matter because hovering over it shows the character, name, level, and race. It works pretty well.