What a worthwhile piece of writing.
What a worthwhile piece of writing.
I’m kind of hopeful for a fair amount of jank early on. I love me some jank in games like this.
You literally just convinced me to buy this on both ps4 and xbox one. I was on the fence.
I agree with your overall point that reacting as largely as this to something as small as a hand symbol is counter-productive at best.
Pretty awful trolling by her.
I really appreciate that you gave actual concrete steps that could possibly begin a road/path to redemption. You had no obligation to, but you did. Thank you for that.
I’m so effing excited to get back in tonight after the latest ps4 patch. Legacy game saves were nerfed in terms of base building before now :)
In terms of ‘unlimited’ base building it’s not truly 100% unlimited, but it’s really really big. Before the complexity of a base was set at ‘1000' and has been expanded to ‘20,000', so you can run out of room in any single base but it can take a loooong time to get there....
One is a private (if very rich and powerful) private citizen and the other is the Commander in Chief of the United States...
For me, it rings a bit to closely of ‘false balance.’ It’s not just you, but too many writers will write about something Trump has done and immediately draw parallels and comparisons (even if just by inference) to someone seen as ‘opposite’ in some way.
Yeah, when I read that line i realized that this guy has less than zero credibility when it comes to be even halfway decent.
HE took the events out of the game when he decided to stream it to the world. The community MET him where HE laid the battle lines.
That’s the problem - it’s an exploitation of game systems, not an intentional game mechanic.
What? No. People are banned from MP games all the time for behavior like this. Seriously, this type of behavior isn’t often tolerated for long in popular games.
AND REGARDLESS: signing up to play a mp game is NOT signing up for bullying and harassment.
If she claims to care about all animals’ suffering, but is ok with the killing of otherwise healthy animals, she is (indeed) up for the worst person in the world.
So glad to read this. I hate/love this game so much it’s insane.
Yeah, I’d probably still bet on McGregor. A weapon is worthless unless you are trained to use it in a fight. You’d be disarmed and face down before you knew what was happening.
Why do so many people care about this when there are so many damn games we could be playing and enjoying, together or separate?
Nothing. As stated in the article, they don’t expect many people to do it, but that it’s cool that you can. The old school setup of nostalgia is a hell of a drug.