
I didn't give a hot shit about Catelyn, but I did enjoy Robb, despite him not getting any POV chapters in the books.

I want to give it a chance, but it's a FOX show airing on Fridays, so I'll be positively stunned if it lasts to midseason.

"You answer to me. You provide for me. You belong to me."

They kill Glenn and then they want you to hate Negan, but I was way more angry with Daryl than Negan, honestly. I mean, how many moments has he really even had with Rosita to risk getting himself and everyone else killed just because Negan was teasing her?

You may joke, but I found the look on Negan's face when he asks "….uhhh a hatchet?" legitimately amusing.

It's like they wanted to replicate The Red Wedding without understanding that it wasn't the volume of the deaths in the Red Wedding that made it work, but that the deaths had impact on more than just the other characters' feelings.

I'm jealous of the people who either never started watching or started watching but got out early. I can't really explain it, but it's like the world's most boring, manipulative addiction.

Strangely, I think if I hadn't seen the leaked alternate take where Maggie gets the bat, I would have found the big moment with Glenn far more affecting. But I found the alternate take to be far more emotionally gutting than what we actually got, mostly due to how Glenn reacts.

After the first two sketches, I was worried all the sketches would just be about how Margot Robbie is hot. But I thought it ended up being a pretty solid show, especially that roundtable with the women of Hollywood, with Kate McKinnon playing yet another old lady who casually reveals something terrible. Loved it.

I hope this doesn't sound as awful as I worry it might, but I was legitimately distracted by how little the son looked like either of his parents. I really don't get the casting choice unless it's supposed to become a plot point later.

What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were you just born with a heart full of neutrality?

Yeah, that was some Walking Dead nonsense.

Mark my words, Spring 2017 is when we're getting the book.

I guess now that Ned promised to take care of Jon, that literally makes Jon the Prince That Was Promised?

So I guess now that Jon is King, they're going to hold a Brexit vote in the North?

Generally curious as to how this will all play out in the books with so many other elements involved, such as Aegon, Arianne, Victarion, etc.

"Yer a Maester, Samwell."
"I'm a wut?"

With all seriousness, I find it surreal as all fuck that we actually saw Lyanna Stark onscreen. I think my mind might literally shatter if we ever see Rhaegar.

The music really has been streets ahead this season. But it's still the classic themes that get me.