
I, too, really enjoyed the Brothers Ramon. It might not have been vital to the episode or the season's endgame, but I like one-off stories that help develop character relationships.

A Leeroy Jenkins joke. In 2016.

You know, it's a bit off-topic, but I think the show could save some of the effects budget while also illustrating how immensely powerful Zoom has become by simply portraying his speeding as a mere blip. If he's really that fast, we shouldn't see anything when he decides to speed off. He should just be gone. Perhaps a

Yeah, I'm surprised Barry isn't all, "Are you actually into me, or are you just doing this because THE FUTURE?"

I'm kind of stunned by how quickly they glossed over that maiden name reveal. There was no kind of reaction at all. They just kept talking like it was never brought up.

It would have been an interesting take, but I think I actually prefer a series not be as cavalier with the permanence of death as Arrow.

Jesse and Wally in the vault made me think of that episode of Futurama where Fry and Amy were stuck waiting for a tow truck. I kept thinking we were going to check in and they'd be hooking up. But nope. Just chillin'.

So I've just caught up on the entirety of Arrow within a week and a half. Coupled with my loyal Flash viewership, I feel I'm now capable of watching this show. Every single friend of mine has warned me against getting involved, but I have a turbo-boner (a turboner?) for the Arrowverse, so fuck it. Let's do this thing.

Nice to see Scot in his element . . sitting on the bench.

On the other hand, Tai whispering to her in the open is basically like a giant red flag to everyone else declaring, "We're the closest out of everyone in our alliance! You better break us up!"

I dunno, Debbie's ouster was due in part to her inexplicable crush on Julia.

Either we get Mark back for a future season, or we'll choke their rivers with our dead!

Joe is what I call a "safe goat," where you can take him to the end knowing he isn't going to win, but you don't have to feel bad about him getting second/third place money, because he's an alright guy. Every other goat, it's like, "Yeah, he's not going to win. But does this asshole really deserve $100k?"

Better than the Oliver Queen approach of making a lifelong enemy of virtually everyone you end up on an island with.

I actually feel like being blindsided by Tai is one of the best things that could happen to Jason's game. If Jason is viewed as an underdog from here on out, and he has a couple of weeks with that narrative in place, would a win really be completely be out of the question, especially if Tai/Aubry and their allies are

Probst should have at least mentioned Joe quit the challenge so the jury could be made aware. That could be a big factor in their deliberations if he somehow makes it to final tribal council.

That's what I meant. If Michele had been axed, the numbers would have still lined up in an interesting way. And one man and one woman of each, at that!

Not sure. Heard rumors, but nothing concrete, mostly because I didn't want to know for certain.

With all these Michele confessionals you would think she was going home tonight.

Neither do I. He's basically just a gun being pointed by Aubry right now. And she'll turn in the gun before it kills her, sooner rather than later.