
I dont see any science behind "New Years Resolution" The entire idea is totally ridiculous, media generated monster. I never have had a "New years Resolution" although many "resolutions" that follow the above pattern.


How to get those on Android, can u share??

the only thing i buy with rerward points is magazines. I already have enough magazines coming my way.

REALLY, this seems too much. The thing that worries me most is that what if they dont do a good job.

are dentist called doctors? or are they just dentist? I see this as controversial. Was watching hangover last night and the scene in ER, ER Doc says: "you are a dentist, not a doctor" !!

I have an epson printer and looking at the programs list: HELL NO, 'ITS RUNNING 7 PROGRAMS'

from now through monday, any deals on motorcycle gears anywhere??

I just ordered one 3TB hard drive online, like 3 minutes ago for store pickup.

On the flip side, I offered to work on Thu night and am getting paid $1000 a night. Will get off at 7am and go out and spend it all, on clothes and accessories. Whatever is left, rolls over for monday.


Well, u r trained to pay ur money to the 'queen'. Here we earn and keep our own money. We dont belive in paying taxes to feed the 'queen'

If you like driving a nice car, lease it. Buying is only an option if you plan to drive the clunker and pass it on to your kids after 15 years. I have always leased and flip it every 4-5 years for a brand new car. No dead batteries, no towing, no headache.

gr8, does it understand indian accents??

Myth 3:

Study on six subjects?? Sounds fishy, wait, its time for fish curry. All these years, spicy food only gave me good dreams not nightmares.

Here in US we dont like to make anything simpler. Start a service, offer 5 options (all practically unnecessary), then create another service to stop the previous one. At the end bundle everything up and then sell it. e.g. mortgages.

help help. problems updating itunes on win 7.

crab, having trouble installing the updated itunes.