The streaming rights to interchangeable steaming pile of shit is what made Steve Bannon a millionaire
The streaming rights to interchangeable steaming pile of shit is what made Steve Bannon a millionaire
The only thing I remember about Princess Diana's death is that the live coverage of her funeral deprived me of a day of Saturday morning cartoons
if Linus is a drug dealer it's only because Lucy dragged him into that life
With her fake prescriptions and occasionally beating up a late payer
Yeah, it's a pretty good country, good salt-of-the-earth people, everything kind of smells like a campfire because wood is their primary fuel source for most things, that and the volcanoes spewing ash.
For the adrenaline junkie trying to get between towns in the mountains I recrecommend taking an auto rickshaw you will…
But many a kind word was said about Baggar Vance
..Forshizzel my home brother
*awkwardly attempts a fist bump*
No wonder the mob paid that cow to start that fire
Ironically the 10 story home insurance building burned down when a lightning struck and hit a stack of papers on the third floor of the building
And they say no one in the job field takes a eugenics degree seriously these days
And women's code always crashes because their too busy putting on their makeup
God surprised he didn't try to work a. "Black people code like this
And white people code like this"
Joke into it
But life alert will get her out of there
If you're gonna wear a Pokemon shirt to your date make sure its squrttle because everyone knows squrttle is the one that fucks
Phil Spector's wall of sound would have stopped this
Interesting to use those two animal examples for motherhood since in nature if and when a lioness gets screwd by another lion she then has to wach as he murders her cubs from the previous marriage so their won't be any competition with his ofoffspring.
As for the mamma bear as much as they may put on a big show…
Grannie be tripping
*somewhere on the floors of the Fox news building a lowly breaths a sad sigh as he takes down takes down the "__ days without a reported sexual harrament" banner he worked so hard to put up*
Look you want sleep in. Old castle with vermin is fine
But if you want to see real blood sucker he is in Romania highest office