
This is totally the type of thing doctors have so much spare time to spend with.

That's one of the big things keeping me on Chrome as well.

My completely uneducated guess would be that friction is not really the problem so much as displacement. Boat hulls are already smooth enough, but they still have to displace water as they move through it.

Yea, because anyone that disagrees with you must be an uninformed, brainwashed curmudgeon.

Did anyone else see the small photo in the sidebar and think Schmidt had a massive wart of his face?

I'm pretty sure that's what it will be. You wear the band around and then plug it into the phone when you want to dump some of the data.

Really? The anti-Obama, anti-immigrant, pro-torture, pro-gun emails could be left wing?

Well, like I said, I was definitely wrong in a sense. One generally accepted definition of anarchy is synonymous with chaos. I can have a problem with someone using that definition, or with dictionary writers and English speakers for defining it that way, but I can't really come here and say that the author "misused"

On one hand, I was wrong; the dictionary does give that definition, and Sam can't be faulted for using it in that sense. On the other, the dictionary writers get their definitions from how people use words. If enough people use a word recklessly and irresponsibly, then that becomes a "proper" way to use the word,

Anonymous is also not an example of fine woodworking, but if the sentence read "You may not call it justice, but you can't call it fine woodworking," you'd call the sentence nonsense. Anonymous was being directly compared to the chaotic and random Lulzsec, which was indirectly represented by using the word "anarchy."

No, he's right. It was misused. Anarchy is not synonymous with chaotic destruction.

I don't get it. Most of them got it pretty much right and explained it to a general audience. Doing something for the lulz is doing it for the laughs, which does come from "lol," and sec is for security.

I think the nipple is probably adequate for the NSFW tag.

This looks like one of the worst shows ever. Who would pay to see Kanye hit play on his tracks and sing even more poorly than he does on the album itself? I thought the album was decent, but this is just plain bad.

I don't see the benefit other than a backup. My music library fits just fine on my phone and I always have it at full quality regardless of signal strength. Also, I doubt it will stream at 320kb/s.

That guy is really bad at using an iPhone.

It isn't working at all for me; the videos look just as shaky as with a regular camera. Anyone else seeing this?

Any stabilization on the iPhone can and has to be done post-capture, since there is nothing that can physically change in the hardware like in stabilizers on "real" cameras. It's all done by manipulating the shaky video in some way.

The new Gizmodo site design is far worse than the silly 1.