iii moozez iii

I know! This post has no place on gizmodo! Is it even gadget related!? I can't believe there's something on the internet I don't agree with! How dare they have one random post every 24 hours devoted to marijuana related things!

Do NOT use alcohol... sure it will work and you'll get some nice oil... but alcohol and copper can react together to form copper hydroxide (poison), especially in the presence of a physical catalyst (aka HEAT )

light heat, maybe use a double boiler method to keep the temps low. The heat will definitely loosen that resin up and give it a better viscosity. Use nothing that will scratch the bowl, maybe some silicon tools or even just your fingers and some time. Finger Hash is excellent as well!

Ahhh... thus is the nature of the internet...

I suppose we could eat it... or make paper mache WMD's to put in middle eastern countries...

Wooo! As much as the U.S. government needs to be saving money or rebuilding and creating physical infrastructure, $200,000,000.00 aint too bad.

I imagine that per KwH or MwH these larger ones end up being cheaper than land based ones. Its bound to be cheaper to maintain 50 of these vs. 250 smaller ones. Also, the codes and compliances must be much more lenient than those in the midwest U.S., and on land, you must lease or buy the land too.

$170.00!! Man, the U.S.D. really is losing value.

DO IT! I own three pairs, The KSO Trek, the KSO, and the classic moc. I have a definite preference for the KSO... the sole of the show is more responsive and a bitter thinner feeling. The new sole they are putting on the majority of their models is a bit much for me. . .

Isn't this just string theory? Adapted string theory using "gyre" as the descriptor.

Also... its embryonic. Not embrionic.

Woah... sorry to you sir.

If you are like me, and avoid smiling due to odd teeth spacing... :( teeth are great, just have a bit o gap.

The implications of this are enormous!!

This concept already exists in some forms. I would like to see companies release product specs, like .DWG, .DXF, .PSPX, etc to specific manufactures for this process. Specifically for automobiles. If you could walk into a shop looking for a wheel hub bearing housing, and they could simply look up your vehicles, pull

HAHAHAHAHA. Israel occupying a country and a people. Defense and Offense are very different things. If Israel wants to defend itself, it should be doing so within its own borders. The borders that were drawn up in 1947? 1967? Either of these will work fine. Instead the choose to oust the Palestinians from their own

I love international political posturing. Iran is just reminding Obama of this U.S. mishap and laughing all the way.

These are just pave diamond stones, hardly a real diamond. They aren't worth a terrible amount...


You can buy just a single induction burner + pot/pan for about 100$. They are small and can be stored super easily. Tons of restaurants in europe use them, notably, the old "El Bulli"... Oh do I miss you Bulli