
About as many as if the security guard beating up the Houston fan at the AAC title game was white rather than black.

A lot of analysis is being made by NFL people about Connor Cook because his teammates have never voted him captain. Also, not accused of rape, theft, among other things.

Jameis would’ve been way more subtle in this situation, like when he grabbed the crab legs. Geez make everything about race, whine, whine. This was a lame move by Cook who had a very mediocre game and convinced a lot of people he isn’t NFL caliber. Hope Winston the best, but you pointing fingers, making it into a race

It’s truly neck and neck whether you guys get more fun out of the possibility of racism or the racists do being racist.

Of course that gets approved. Liberal snark in this chamber of echoes is instant approval.

I don’t know about Tarnishing the Shield—but from the looks of Lola-Lily he’s definitely Polishing the Helmet.

Stop your cry-bullying.

Stop it. Nobody ever respected Bayless.

You need to stress that you are NOT JOKING as there are such reports.

Don’t worry, fellow Niner fans, there are reports the team is interested in Johnny Manziel. We’re saved!

Call it for what it is: He is upset that a black man was exposed as a bad coach by white men with better ability.

Yup, and very pointedly he wasn’t hired by Mark Jackson, but was hired by Joe Lacob because he couldn’t really decide between the two:

“Probably just a case of workplace violence”

Could he be any worse than Byron Scott?

I liked when Dan LeBatard said it doesn't matter who coaches the Warriors... as long as it isn't Mark Jackson.

It was absolutely their motive.

Because people returning from Saudi Arabia normally are so progressive in their religious idealogy

OK, but seriously though. What else would it be? How else do you sell your wife on shooting up your coworkers?

You seem wilfully blind and smug about it.

Dude, you may be the only one that believes his story that he didn’t think he was shooting at his girlfriend.