
I’m confused as to why Jess would lie to Mare about Erin’s journals in the first place. It’s not like Mare knew of their existence and was already looking so needed misdirection. Once she knew they existed, Mare could’ve kept looking, or even, yes, gotten a search warrant to check all over the girl’s room. It doesn’t

Also, is it possible to see in the baby’s DNA if his parents were biologically related? 

Also, is it possible to see in the baby’s DNA if his parents were biologically related? 

Also, is it possible to see in the baby’s DNA if his parents were biologically related? NEVER MIND - I see this was asked and answered below!

I’m thinking more like Beanie Babies - just because of the expectation that they will grow in value.

Another podcast I’ve become obsessed with lately is “You’re Wrong About That” where two journalists look into urban legends and other stories we think we know, and present them in a clear-headed, factual manner. They are also very funny and super smart. Highly recommend!

Yes! They make the guys in “Promising Young Woman” look positively nuanced.

That’s one episode I find myself returning to again and again (the addition of Chloe Grace Moretz doesn’t hurt). “Is this where you got your v-card punched?” “No, does this look like the make-up room at a clown academy?”

I recently rewatched After Hours. It’s still good, although as the years pass it becomes harder to remember how much we relied on cold hard cash.

I used to love catalina dressing on cottage cheese. And I called it “salad”

This is very similar to what my grade school cafeteria used to serve on Fridays - pizza rolls! Hamburger buns with bland tomato sauce and a slice of american cheese melted on top. It was everyone’s favroite day of the week, and one year my class had lunch last and the cafeteria ladies would bring out a tray of the

Both of these are explored very thoroughly in the podcast “You Were Wrong About” 

just one month out from the premiere of the final season of the show that made both of them famous beyond their wildest dreams or nightmares.

I’m almost glad they skipped over how Kevin made it on the flight in this episode (other than “I owe the head of security at Seatle airport”) so I didn’t have to get as furious as I was at the end of last episode. I want to imagine at some point when he tells the story to Randall or Miguel, he’s reminded that things

Whenever I see this kind of blatant error I check, and yup, it’s Joan again.  Sigh.

the kid that played Xander

Well, she has released both a song called “Perfume” and a fragrance, so both fit.

Since you called dibs on Idris Elba, I’ll take my other crush: Rege-Jean Page from Bridgerton. 

who’s also a friend of Kyle Jenner’s

I think I also believed that his girlfriends - mostly more mainstream types - meant that he wasn’t such a freak in real life, but that it was just show.  Oops.