
Kind of a big difference between a faraway colony that bloodily fought for its independence with the French’s help centuries ago and a part of the continental US deciding they want to dismantle the union again, don’t you think? There’s also the part where trading with England, one of the world’s biggest economies,

Brexit hasn’t actually happened and parliament is doing everything in their power to stymie it, though. That’s kind f a big part that a lot of people seem to be forgetting.

You know who else attempted to leave the United States peacefully and without shooting guns? All the states in the confederacy. Look how well that went for everyone.

I love your idea that California will split off from the US but still trade with and have good diplomatic ties with them. “It’s very important for us to maintain a strong and friendly relationship with these people who just tore apart our country to found a new one,” said literally no government ever.

They also said it uncensored on an episode of Always Sunny a few weeks ago. FX is really getting into the c-word business.

Stop making yourself the fucking victim.

You can’t fight against it; it’s inevitable. Technology is going to happen regardless, which is why you ensure that standards are in place to protect employees and wages so that the jobs that remain are good, well-paying jobs that allow their employees to live. Saying that we need to artificially keep pay low to keep

Yes, because as we all know, humans are completely incapable of focusing on more than one issue at a time.

It’s always been like this. If you are a person of color, this has always been life in this country.

To be fair, they might not be able to tell the difference.

To be fair, Jimmy Van Bramer is one of the city’s best politicians and doesn’t deserve the shade. He’s a huge supporter of the working class and unions and the arts and libraries, and did some really great work in Queens. (And he’s openly gay!) He’s exactly the kind of politician we need to be supporting in these

Yeah, but would they have put in the effort to find said student had a fucking scumbag not been allowed to out them on stage?

It’s almost like that’s a stupid and losing game that ensures the entire thing is destroyed with literally no other options and gambling that voters will remember this in two years while said politicians continue to not give a fuck.

I’m sorry to be that guy (and just to be clear, fuck Buzzfeed for this, this is the antithesis of journalism) but just to devil’s advocate for a second here: isn’t there some value in having tabloid journalism push this kind of stuff out there so that more attention is brought to looking into it? I know that’s

I don’t know, I feel like it’s hard to accuse TDS of being a boys club when they literally offered the show to Jessica Williams (who should have taken it, holy shit). From everything I’ve read, the reason they offered it to people like them as opposed to someone like Samantha Bee was purely about money, since they

In fairness, I think it’s less that the Republicans are bowing down to him as much as they know how woefully unprepared and incompetent he is, so with Reince Priebus in his ear they think they can make him do whatever they want.

Oh my god your username is incredible.

I believe what they’re saying is that things were as bad as they’d always been, the only difference is that the Classic “white moderate” who knows no people of color could no longer be oblivious to the fact that this racial animosity has always existed in this country.

Way too many people discount the fact that there are a lot of white people in this country who voted for Obama just to use as proof that they aren’t racist.

Just like it’s unbelievable that you want to pretend the problems didn’t exist simply because it could have been worse, and that when we point out the people you neglected, instead of acknowledging the ways in which you fucked up, you cry about the lazy millennials have a victim complex.