
I don’t know, I feel like it’s hard to accuse TDS of being a boys club when they literally offered the show to Jessica Williams (who should have taken it, holy shit). From everything I’ve read, the reason they offered it to people like them as opposed to someone like Samantha Bee was purely about money, since they

In fairness, I think it’s less that the Republicans are bowing down to him as much as they know how woefully unprepared and incompetent he is, so with Reince Priebus in his ear they think they can make him do whatever they want.

Oh my god your username is incredible.

I believe what they’re saying is that things were as bad as they’d always been, the only difference is that the Classic “white moderate” who knows no people of color could no longer be oblivious to the fact that this racial animosity has always existed in this country.

Way too many people discount the fact that there are a lot of white people in this country who voted for Obama just to use as proof that they aren’t racist.

Just like it’s unbelievable that you want to pretend the problems didn’t exist simply because it could have been worse, and that when we point out the people you neglected, instead of acknowledging the ways in which you fucked up, you cry about the lazy millennials have a victim complex.

And then after the war, the women were expected to just leave the workforce and “give the men back their jobs,” and many who didn’t faced extreme sexism that is still endemic in our work culture today. Or did you miss that part?

Weird, I thought Hillary Clinton was on the ballot, not her husband.

“A Year of Magical Thinking” is a pretty accurate summation of the RNC strategy this cycle, now that you mention it.

I’m pretty sure he’s saying that a religion should follow the law of the land and not be allowed to discriminate against someone for immutable qualities just because their angry Sky man says it’s cool for them to do so, and that your right to religious freedom ends when you try to use that to deny someone else’s

I didn’t know Fleshbot was part of the Univision purchase.

Your bitter white MRA tears are so delicious.

Thus you have proved my point entirely. Thanks for the unnecessary devil’s advocating; keep on telling people not to care about shit because you’re too lazy to do so yourself!

People like you and the OP are exactly what is wrong with this world. You are people who inherently don’t care because you won’t be affected, but instead of being honest about it you mask your apathy behind some holier-than-thou bullshit to silence any dissent. Come the fuck on, you know that complaining about the

Okay, well you’re just a wrong as they are. Way to go?

Having gained the knowledge of the elder gods, the doctor knew there was nowhere else to turn. He would have to turn the knife upon himself, rendering him a babbling maniac but rendering the Dark Arts lost to time.

You got to love these white people who are so uncomfortable with their existence being political and a continuation of white supremacy through ingrained social biases that they try to be “post-racial.” There has never been a single post-racial person in this world who wasn’t also white and privileged.

The difference is that fake Genesis is a piece of garbage that runs games at the wrong speeds, whereas Nintendo making this means that this probably won’t have those issues.

Complain about Overwatch being thin on content all you want, but whether or not you think the game has enough content, there’s a distinct difference between shipping a feature complete game that only has multiplayer and shipping a game that is literally not done and the developer claims to keep working on. That hasn’t

Okay, you really need to stop comparing Suikoden II and Hybrid Heaven as if they are similar situations. One is a sequel in a series with a small but dedicated fanbase that is notoriously hard to find a physical copy of; the other is a niche N64 game that got mediocre reviews and didn’t sell particularly well. It’s