
Why is it the responsibility of players to look at Bungie’s promises with skepticism and shoulder the blame if the game was not what they were promised because they should have no better, and not Bungie’s responsibility to not lie about what the game they were making was and how it would go forward?

I threw up in my mouth a little bit when I read this. I’m so sorry that happened to you. Hopefully that guy got his dick bitten off.

So essentially your defense for a publisher tactic that is complete bullshit and done as a way to hold out on paying more money to the developer is to shrug your shoulders and say: “Well that’s the way it is, don’t like it then don’t play.” People like you are the reason basically every publisher has implemented these

Sikh men have to wear turbans in public. It’s part of their religion. So essentially your argument is that this actually isn’t that bad because they were eventually allowed in after the stadium asserted its “right” to violate their constitutionally protected freedom of religion. That’s so much better!

Which seems to be what is really pissing you off. You are angry at the fact that you hold no power to make GG leave.

It’s Bethesda’s job to make sure their secrets don’t get out, not the jobs of people outside the company to keep their poorly guarded secrets they were too incompetent to protect themselves.

This is one of the best etherings I’ve read in a very long time.

And, as Rhee herself exemplifies, part of the reason why they have no interest in addressing those issues is because they have no skin in these schools. They still send their children to expensive private and boarding schools anyway, so why worry about fixing the issues when it’s ultimately going to be another

One of those two things should not be: “fucking a rich teenager while you’re a grown-ass fucking adult.”

Well for one, I’m guessing you weren’t dating her when she was around Kylie’s age, so it’s not even remotely the same argument. Age differences become less meaningful as you grow older and find a person with similarly lived experiences to your own. No one was ever debating this.

You understand that you’ve just outed you entire argument as essentially being: “here’s some bullshit I thought that I don’t feel like I actually have to justify, even if it’s incorrect, and fuck you for trying to make me justify it I’m probably more liberal than you anyway,” right? And that it makes you sound like a

The key difference is that Capcom and Square-Enix are tied to the success of their gaming businesses. Square is involved in anime and book publishing, but they are still foremost a video game company; Capcom literally has nothing else but games. Games are one of several things Konami does in addition to making toys,

If by alright you mean “made a game that felt nothing like the games it was emulating and had the absolute wrong level and soundtrack choices,” then sure.

This is the most juvenile reasoning imaginable. "Oh we didn't punish people for doing horrible shit in the past so it would be unfair to do it now!" Uh, how about we should be holding ourselves to a higher standard and not just let rich, popular people get away with doing things that would be any other person

Why would you want to ruin Giant Bomb by sending this asshole there?

I am paying attention, actually. A Nintendo 3DSXL typically costs $200. It has been this way since the damn thing came out three years ago, and systems don't magically become more expensive to produce as time goes on. With that $200 system they give you an A/C adapter (which, as we've previously discussed, costs them

Except they aren't lowering the price. It's the same price, they just aren't giving you an A/C adapter. Try learning to pay attention.

Every time you say "you just have to work an extra hour to get this, it isn't that hard!" you sound like the most arrogant man on the planet. Right, it's my fault for "being cheap" and not wanting to spend more time working my job to get less, not the company who is screwing over consumers in an effort to not give

This may be the saddest fucking thing I've ever read.

And again you make your Internet Tough Guy argument—better known as "'I can put up with being doxxed or harassed, so why can't you?' says the person who isn't being doxxed or harassed"—while ignoring the actual crime taking place (say it with me now, kids: harassment and death threats are a federally punishable crime