
Why would you want to ruin Giant Bomb by sending this asshole there?

I am paying attention, actually. A Nintendo 3DSXL typically costs $200. It has been this way since the damn thing came out three years ago, and systems don't magically become more expensive to produce as time goes on. With that $200 system they give you an A/C adapter (which, as we've previously discussed, costs them

Except they aren't lowering the price. It's the same price, they just aren't giving you an A/C adapter. Try learning to pay attention.

Every time you say "you just have to work an extra hour to get this, it isn't that hard!" you sound like the most arrogant man on the planet. Right, it's my fault for "being cheap" and not wanting to spend more time working my job to get less, not the company who is screwing over consumers in an effort to not give

This may be the saddest fucking thing I've ever read.

And again you make your Internet Tough Guy argument—better known as "'I can put up with being doxxed or harassed, so why can't you?' says the person who isn't being doxxed or harassed"—while ignoring the actual crime taking place (say it with me now, kids: harassment and death threats are a federally punishable crime

Only in your twisted logic is someone taking doxxing and hyper specific threats that come with it as a serious thing "playing the victim." No one should have to put up with any level of harassment. It has nothing to do with "standing up for yourself" and everything to do with the fact that the people "playing the

So let's get to the root of the issue you keep ignoring: why do you think the onus is on the people being threatened to ignore the threats because maybe it's just bored internet kids rather than the scumbags making this incedibly specific threats? Why should the people being attacked suck it up and take it? Why do