
To me, he looks of an indeterminant age but soaked in evil.

Yay a feel good story!

So guns in restrooms = okay

This is the flip side to trivializing deadly weapons.

There’s definitely an intense relationship between those dumb enough to think they need to carry a gun around everyday, and those who forget said gun after they go to the bathroom.

No doctor would perform an abortion at 29 weeks or anywhere close to it, so your example is specious and irrelevant. The fact that you don’t see the difference between choosing an abortion and murdering a two-year-old makes me fervently hope you are never allowed anywhere near a child.

See that operative phrase there —”born” through a caesarean? Thank you for making my point. I’m curious to know— if you’re not religious, what ‘rational’ belief do you hold that allows you to deny basic biology and impose your moral standards on others? (By the way the word is ‘committing’ not ‘commuting’, unless you

It sounds like you’re one step away from blowing up an abortion clinic.

I have a secret for you: These people don’t care about fetuses being born. They care about punishing women for having sex. There exist, I assume, people who sincerely believe that abortion is murder. But I’ve yet to find one who also supports robust, holistic governmental and social support for these unwanted

“Innocent’ life. HAHAHAHA. Let me see if I can guess who gets to judge what life is ‘innocent’ and what isn’t. People like you are why people like me despise religion and the lunatics it inevitably detracts. PS They’re not ‘babies’ until they’re born, you language-manipulating fanatic.

I took this out of the grays because this is hilarious. Nothing says compassion for innocent lives like forcing a mother to give birth then murdering the mother so the child can grow up an orphan. I assume all of the unaborted orphan babies will be taken care of by the same caring republicans who terminated health

I remember when the evangelicals found their president in GWB.

And the poorly-written dystopian novel just keeps piling on the unrealistic plot twists and crudely drawn, overly-simplistic characters. Is this a novel or a morality play? We get it. That orange character is “cartoonishly evil yet incomprehensibly inept.” Who’s writing this trash?

Yes, and I’ve heard all of these totally valid interests, like:

Stupid Sexy Beatnik Libtard Flanders........

“All of this is impeccable timing, as Republicans on the House Committee on Intelligence announced just three days ago that they were ending their probe.”

My dad is a physicist, and those kinds of conversations are the best part of have a scientist for a parent. :)

The truly stupid are those that take pride in not knowing things.