
I would not trust an Ikea level grill to bbq with. Gas or Charcoal...

Hyperlapse! That zoomy time lapse technique that just wont quit!

what about the blooper real tho?!



Anyone wanna play on a 20x The Center map, its awesome!

when has asking for nudes, ever gone so wrong!!


+1 for clickbait headline joke.

Now playing

I suggest you watch, review, and enjoy the documentary Racing Extinction. They tackle this very issue and demo them poking holes in ice and lighting the air like a fart of a 6th grader.(at around 2:12 in trailer)

New health interface... will health actually know im riding bike for once?

As a professional photographer with some aerial demands for work, I always wonder if I can slide away with a Phantom or do I need to go Inspire??? All comparisons and demos point to Inspire but Ive yet to get my hands on either to test with...


Any insight to why Illinois is not a contender?

who cares... micro-aggression mismanagement in a joyful tweet from space man Neil is not that big of deal.

from Ark Survival we all know Dilos are newb dinos and only live on beaches.

Damn, Daniel. Hopefully they won’t be back at it again with those S.W.A.T. vans.

:(, but a quick edit and now desktop background

or argue he jumped...

Thats who killed your mammoth and the first men!

so should I buy a car, or just wait?