
@ITCC: People over here have made bitching into a national past time. He delivered on a lot, some benefiting consumers. Others benefiting business. In the end no one is happy because they feel he is too liberal, or that he is compromised too much. It's like saying he's too socialist, too corporatist, demanding, and

@Graviton1066: because nothing shows NASA contempt like increasing their budget almost 30%... the first increase in 17 years.

In the legendary words of Abraham Simpson.

To delight and entertain children is a joy few can translate into a job, and for him to do so, the only thing to say is rest well and thank you.

Despite my obvious affection for this, I own these games. For the NES, the original All Stars SNES, and Virtual Console. I don't want to take a pass, but there is no incentive for me to want to other than "gotta catch em all".

A good move. I downloaded Firefox 4 for Windows 7 a week ago, and my experiment with it lasted just over a day. The font rendering throughout is off, and if the website is just a tad more complicated than average, it loads like a slug.

The sad part is, they came in to the store looking for some lovin'.

A good sequel always offers more than the original. Any sequel that has faltered in this logic is seen as inferior. Oh, you can add whatever you want, so long as you have a 100% of what the previous stuff was, fixing the inevitable braying of the interwebs.

Funny story: Solitaire + Tunes = most productive thinking sessions of my life.

@L3G10N: both are equally sad and repellant.

look at that fucking hat connection.

The sad thing is that one of the most beautiful women I've ever known played World of Warcraft and towards the end of our relationship had told me that I just didn't understand WoW, or what it offered her.

@Meadhawg: hipster wannabe... yea, I think you just divided by zero there...

@Gazoogleheimer: it's cooler this way shut up you don't even know how cool this is

I have the urge to punch every single person in that image.

I'm glad this worked out the way I did. Back when I was in college, I met a group of guys who would become my groomsmen later on over a casual round of Halo multiplayer (on a 13 inch screen, no less. ) A lot of bonding and stress relief came from that game, something that wouldn't really be possible on a Mac.

This program was brought to you by a grant from the Umbrella Corporation.

Seems a bit more straightforward than Publisher, with a better sense of layout geography.

@GreasyPig: 98 was a mindboggling success, with a good portion of the world's computers still running it.

Maybe the internal name of Vista 2.0 is making Steve nervous.