
There’s a reason my graph normalizes by population size. There are almost 6x more white people than black in the U.S. The fact that there are basically the same number of white on white murders as black on black murders, and twice as many black on white murders as white on black murders despite this enormous

Sing Sing is 50-60% black. Can’t speak to general prison population, point is he went to one prison to get a few interviews for a throwaway piece, he wasn’t trying to make a long-form diverse perspective piece. Maybe he should have but that’s not what happened. He didn’t see this as racist because he’s not a racist he

Would not be surprised if this was all planned by Apple and Taylor’s PR people. Watch how long it takes for Taylor on Apple marketing blitz to be available. So easy for this to have been a coordinated stunt to generate buzz about the platform and her shifting onto it and being able to say “we pay artists best”which is

I am victorious!

Well, what should the narrative be? Should we pretend that because one racist white guy shoots 9 black people that no black person has ever shot a white person? He’s not running Sesame Street, he went to a prison that’s 50+% black and found people willing to talk. They happened to all be black in a small sample set.

You have no concept of the numbers here. Taylor Swift’s last album alone has sold 7 million copies and continues to actively sell at a high rate (which is rare given how old it is). That means there are 7 million people in the world that, even if they have a paid subscription to a streaming service that already

He used all emotional effort on the eagle try. Looked like he couldn’t believe he missed it so badly and his mind was already in the clubhouse with Paulina and he had nothing left to give to the birdie try. The birdie try was equally as difficult and WAY more important an he gave it a small fraction of the amount of

Yeah. Sure. That’s what you were doing. Because like there’s really going to be mandatory use of these things by guys and my statement wasn’t hyperbolic. And like the entire tone of my comment wasn’t that women should expect their men to be reasonable participants in birth control so surely it’s also my view that if

Yeah. That’s what I’m saying. I’m saying that the people to who this doesn’t apply and who don’t want it should be forced to take it. By the government. Or they get beheaded on live television.

I’m cracking up at these comments already. I will start this short comment rant with the disclaimer that I am fully aware many women are in horribly, abusive situations in which they are trapped. This is not the situation I am describing.

You’re missing the point. I understand what Deadspin is. Do you find something more gossip worthy about a goalie goal from the womens pro league (…) which is playing without any of the best players it usually has because of the WWC -than you do about the U.S. team’s actual

I don’t get how seemingly everyone that response like this hasn’t figure out that they’ve made posts about all sorts of other dumb fuck nonsense and that not making a post about U.S. games for an event that occurs once every four years is not the same as not posting box scores for every MLB game. France going up on

So beating Nigeria 1-0 with the goal coming from an aging Wambach putting it in from the air isn’t good enough, given that it’s the U.S. team? Are you fucking kidding me? And no I don’t think they have to produce highlights - this is a U.S. based website with primarily U.S. readers. Its only posts about the team

Do you ever write like a non-dickhead? I get that you’re passionate about soccer but, really? Round of 16 Women’s World Cup game between France and South Korea ALSO requires these superlatives? I love the WWC, or at least for the U.S. team since they’re “my team”. But I’m still losing my fucking mind about how this

Jesus dude, it’s not the miracle on ice, calm down, it’s the #10 team in the world beating the #7 team in the world in one game. For a website that doesn’t even write posts about the U.S. games you guys are sure into this tournament.

This isn’t how the world works though. It just took you 3 long paragraphs to explain all that. All Taylor Swift has to do is say “I don’t like it” and not put her music on it and millions of people will always side with her. My point was doesn’t matter if everything you say is true. It’s 3 months worth of royalties

The thing is I don’t understand Apple’s view on this. Why DON’T they pay artists during the 3-month trial and use it as a selling point that they pay artists better, use it to sign up more artists like Taylor, etc. This service is a loss-leader for Apple. They’re using it to get more people on the Apple platform and

Is this a serious response? Are you seriously going to tell me that you posted this with the language as written, to Jezebel, and that the message is NOT “hooray for the continued existence of a place for women only!”

Any student would have to be out of their mind to return here. The world and job market is competitive enough, and things like paying off student loans hard enough without knowing if the institution you’re putting your faith in to help you work towards a successful future is going to disappear on a year-to-year basis.