Winner! +1
Winner! +1
Imagine the field painted half Black & Gold / half Black & Orange... 108000 screaming hockey fans with no bad sight lines. Imagine the fist-fights in the parking lots/fields before and after the game.... /shudders
You are correct our TV guys ARE terrible, but I'd take Mike Lange and Phil Bourque over everybody.
Well said. +1
So... let me understand... Everyone's upset/jelly because THEY can't spend this guy's money? Got it.
In PA, you can transfer your reg. to your new vehicle; whether it is a car or truck, just add the applicable fees.
That's because they ate them.
I can't up vote this more than once so, +100000. I've been saying this for years... take the helmet out of the game ala rugby, and reduce the size of the pads. The concussion issue will decrease multi-fold.
And that's before you leave your driveway!
I have both the mid-range brush and the basic brush from Art of Shaving.
I have both the mid-range brush and the basic brush from Art of Shaving.
Ocean Kelp FTW!
Ocean Kelp FTW!
Travel hockey tournaments in Canada are done that way...
+1... The bitch is getting it sync'd with the TV delay.
Also. Waaaay offsides on this play.
As a Pens fan, this made me laugh.
Say when.
Straight from Albany, GA.
But ... by all means... just stand around. /says everyone else in the room
+ 100k