
Being Black myself, I have never seen a Black cosplayer before I read this article. Not one. The fact though that the title of this is the Struggles and triumphs of black cosplay (emphasis on struggles) is a sad reality. Just the fact that there are struggles because of the color of your skin in something that is an

i see Barret.

Worth trying to capitalize on, at least until a patch comes out.

capital idea though

Yes, I think it is definitely case specific.

as with most things related to PC gaming, your mileage may vary.

I had Operation Night Slap at 3 AM, I was amused.

I got a mission called “vengeful chicken.” 45 hours in and its the only missiom where i lost soldiers

it looks like maybe they’re doing a re-release that doesn’t include the bayo 1 port? probably cross-promotion for bayo in smash bros.

it looks like maybe they’re doing a re-release that doesn’t include the bayo 1 port? probably cross-promotion for

That would go over much better in my eyes. It’s like Advanced Wars but...

I put it in quotes for a reason. “Advance Wars clone” is surely a better sell.

I never played this series, but I have been playing Dynasty Warriors for years...since the PS2. I have many addictions in this world; Dynasty Warriors is definitely one of them. I love the’s so crazy how the story rarely changes yet the game can be so engrossing and familiar. I defintely want to play the

What? No Jabberjaw? No sale.

When you pump trillions into your military, the downstream impact of other departments will be felt. America’s infrastructure hasn’t been overhauled in full since Eisenhower! Technology has changed since then I think. It’s not if the infrastructure system will fail, it’s when and the when is now.

As a former delivery driver for several years in the 90's...Fuck you for making me risk life and limb for your $5.99 plain pie and offering me a whole dollar for my efforts. I’d rather go home with no money. Man up and open a can of soup.

Damn Tara, that illustration is flame emoji x100

This is Adequate Man, not I Spent $500 On Snow Tires And Probably Also Didn't Use Underwear As A Washcloth This Morning Man.

LOL! Confirmed it.