Now playing

WTF!! That's not pizza!!! Stop calling this abomination pizza!!!

This was posted on another comment thread.

So it's kinda like Rogue Legacy's Architect? That's pretty neat!

Write a Bobsplosion origin story!

Dat Joker mask @_@

All jokes aside, the battle music is fucking amazing. I stopped playing and just have it running in the background. Kudos to the composer.

But if you put a unique skin on can actually sell it.


not my best...."manip"

"Seeming innocent comment about being forced to play the saxophone or some such"

Guys stop, all this fighting is tearing our family apart!


I think I practice my apathy more than enough.

This is why everyone should have to take a sociology class. The sociological imagination IS empathy— listen to people, put yourself in someone else's shoes, understand people's constraints, histories, limitations, choices, think from a different perspective etc.

The glitch occurs about halfway through the game, during the fight between Kefka and General Leo in Thamasa. Kefka is supposed to kill Leo, but instead he just kills the game.

Certainly, exercise is a big part of it. But a lot of the reason overweight people give up on healthy endeavors is the lack of results they see from cardio. The best way to lose weight, physical fitness notwithstanding, is a calorie restricted diet. Vigorous exercise can come once the overeating habit is broken.

Man I hate chess.