I shake and fidget and kick my feet a lot since i have to stay seated for taking calls at work. But damn I never would game this hard.
I shake and fidget and kick my feet a lot since i have to stay seated for taking calls at work. But damn I never would game this hard.
I think Final fantasy does it nicely with roulette you can queue up for. There are regards even sometimes for doing a roulette as the class in need so like say there is just a dungeon roulette you queue for it if it says Tanks in need you get an extra bonus for clearing as a tank which in turn let other actually play…
Yeah they Dumped Dominion in the trash and do rotating game mode which Dominion and variants on that map are now in that rotation as well.
Can I get a lamp of Haru’s immaculate forehead?
Don’t do it fam. I know it’s a whole other ball park but I have done five ranked matches in league of legends this new seasons. I thought the jokes about toxic salty gremlins was a joke. I WAS Wrong!
I know this is not very relevant but I remember a guy who was pretty ripped he used to stream shirtless. I think he played RTS games until it got him banned because I think Twitch played the No Nipples card on him. How do people feel about that?
thanks for the palette cleanser to my awful morning
I am pretty hype for this and dbzfighterz
No the main store is still their sony had support for mobile games for awhile they closed down the mobile apps store portion that had games like Cytus and Rymdkapsel.
Thank you for reminding me i got the demo but i have not been able to wrestle the switch away form my stardew addicted sibling.
I was livid when Sony removed the Vita’s mobile store it lost me my copy of Cytus. I am hyped for this though! I really enjoyed the original Cytus. I saw it was available on android but my phone is a bit small and it gets to hot when I tried the trial of it.
I may have to check this one out.
Okay I am fine with passing on this one. I did not really enjoy I am Setsuna. The idea of this game sounds neat reminds me of the first dark cloud with the restoring the things that disappeared angle. However to hear its nothing to really write home about I will wait for the octapath game and play romancing saga 2 in…
I couldnt stick with Fate GO but I have been enjoying casual time on Fire Emblem heroes, Legend of the Cryptids, and Age of Ishtaria. I have not spent any real money on any of them. I enjoy just tap tappa tappin away some days. I used to play Monster strike but one of the updates threw out online play. I also dropped…
Oh my goodness i remember that. still it feeeel so accomplishing. I get like a RPG high from those fights and I had an extremely easy time through Persona 5 none of it was really challenging just annoying. So I am looking to close the chapter of that book in my life.
Yeah htis game happens while the other game happens so if you do a caarry over save you will see whatever protage you picked running around while you play as the main hacker guy in this one.
Oh yeah some games I just don’t worry about it but Shin Megami Tensei Games i usually play them all twice and try too fight the secret boss. it just lines up that doing everything i want to do will net me the platinum in the case. Now another recent game I beat Exist Archive I got 1 of the endings and I youtubed the…