That’s neat!
That’s neat!
Oh hey Heather have you tried Princess Remedy in a world of Hurt. This reminded me of it. I will try this when i get home.
Everyone figured it out pretty quickly. So normal toxicity resurged as usual. Things were more lighthearted for a few days though. Especially when some people played characters that a particular bot had awful AI. Like the character Annie i believe her bot’s AI in the AI match was either awful or murdered everything. A…
I didnt even know this happened! I was just playing the original on my vita a few months ago! damn shame. hope they add it to the game making it offline mode or something.
Tried the demo recently gonna nab it soon along with that monster hunter stories game.
Literally in the headline image. SONIC 06. The game plays like trash but I love that soundtrack! I won’t defend the buggy mess but it was a buggy mess i hate love kind of.
Agreed. Like was it just racism or someone reallllly out of touch.
Neat! Still messed up though. I just find it funny that none of these kind of posts happen in the first place though.
I gotta echo your headline. who even thought that... “Yeah this is a good idea posts it.” I am assuming someone else caught it. I am half expecting them to say that they got hacked though.
It’s too late DIANA AND PUDDLES ARE GONE BECAUSE I WAS GONE(´•(ェ)•`)I am so sorry
I was more on it i know my interest for the game is dying though. I loaded up new leaf and i almost cried i got so many mail of pictures of the folks that moved out.
I had someone fail their security questions because he was calling for a password reset. and couldn’t log on to the computer he had his passwords saved on. He didn’t remember his random strings so I couldn’t help him. However I also had another guy who had his set like a weird mantra. I told he had to answer 3 out 4…
Man i fucking loved this game. Just the fact that despite the seriousness near the end. I liked that i could go around town shooting bananas to leave peels all over the place to trip up townsfolk. Also the characters in general were all really likable. like I didn’t really dislike anyone save for the white haired guy…
The absolute madman. I have a friend that is already level 67 but he plays a ton. I am nowhere near that nor that committed. I wonder how much junk he got from the capsules on each level if he didn’t already he should probably have all the champions and some nice skins to go along with them. I forgot how they changed…
They did that one april fools who ever the enemy was it changed their name to “[Character name] Bot” but it was the enemy team so before people figured it out each team thought they were fighting bots.
Neat I am pretty safe so far this year.
I haven’t seen enough of either show to know but i did see the episode where they all went grocery shopping and he seems pretty all right. Isn’t peter the main character of his show and mostly an asshole and Richard is like often there but the follow the and the lil bunny, cat, and fish his kids?
they play similar roles both in their respective show also very similar shape wise.
Were you thinking along the lines of peter cottontail? Because thats what I started thinking.