
that’s a nice touhou

Schreier: Would you ever consider remaking SaGa Frontier with the content that was cut from the game?

I wish i could have stuck with Secret World Legends, but after all the issues I had with migrating my account then they accidentally accidentally banned me. I just couldn’t be bothered after it took 2 weeks to fix that alone.


My family is from Mississippi We moved North to Michigan say Y’all all the time no one thinks anything is wrong with it to our knowledge. Y’all is you all after all.

Nice pepto gaming gear dude. I been thing of trying something similar with the color of a dark green.

I didn’t think it was gonna fly at all. hope there next project faire better though.

Holy moly I need to see if i can boot up the last one and get a pitcure of my main man GONDOR he fought like Voldo.

OMG So now there was Sexy Catherine, Mature Catherine and I am assuming the pink haired gal is the cute Catherine. I wonder if she is gonna be the girl next door type. Wondering how they are gonna spell her name. maybe throw a Y in. Maybe she goes by Cathy?

Can I get a game where I get to play as that Robyn and she is just out of fucks to give.

Ah i see. Yeah i figured they would maybe put up NIER and the drakenguard games for ps4 but nope. I too loved Nier before many caught on. My mom got it for me cuz she knew of the SquareEnix games like final fantasy I played. It was one I probably would have missed otherwise.

I didnt even know the game happened. I knew of it but never of it’s release.

My phone is always on mute so i often only check it on lunch breaks once I am home though good luck getting ahold of me.

I main heally wheelys posing with my book and I gather mats and make pants on the side.

after their attempt at annualizing failed i could see shy square is acting like they are never happening again. I have not noticed issues personally on ps3 but i have a shitty tv too.

Okely dokely thanks for the heads up. I will come back to this and bug you if do the transfer

Currently I am on Exodus I may consider making a new toon somwhere soon though the old Free company is long gone. Gotta make some more pants when I get on.

Neat and just when I am trying to drag myself to finish lighting returns and resubbing to FF14 and maybe picking up FF15 next year. I just re did a run of Crystal chronicles with the family. now that would be a nice Switch remake master hd

I guess you could say he’s Bananas for bananas

Any notable game changes on this on between the ps4 version? I platinumed it on PS4. Just wondering if this warranted a repurchase or I should just wait for the second one.