Fuck yeah i held off on buying helldivers earlier cuz none of my friends were gonna buy it i know what we’re doing now this month!
I just beat quantum rick!
Them was mah shows man!
never gonna get to play being 1000+ in the queue lol been making goofy characters though
AMPLITUDE I hope all the game isn’t dlc
They gotta be cheap nowadays pick em up on a whim and you may be surprised!
I know about that them being same studio. The witcher 3 is one i have not picked up. Also I sold Bloodbourne I just didn’t have the Tenacity for that one. If i see Life is strange on disc or on sale i will nab it though.
Which game? Remember Me all I can reccommend is that you end your combos with a healing strike.
Yeah it was a break from the usual hell just the setting in Neo Paris was setting it miles apart!
Yeah it only got in like five times. i felt if they had shifted it off of an action game and more of made it an adventure game it would have been much more of a thing.
I never cared for what critics say. I really need to look into Beyond Two souls though. I loved Disgaea D2 way more Disgaea 3 which I also played this year. Oh shit that’s in Life is Strange!? I need to check that one out too then. I love a good world building and honestly i want a break from generic dark age fantasy…
We can only hope. Seriously that world was beautiful from all the concept artyou could unlock its just a shame we got pushed through it so fast.
I’m getting into a campaign this weekend as a duskblade. I hope we can have this much fun
This is lame i never had to import this stuff before! What the hell! Just sell the game digital only at least god damn. Why does everyone have to have a stick up their asses over a game. Everyone complaing if there really was SJW’s behind it weren’t going to buy this anyway. Funny how Play Asia is just lapping up the…
Did the folks that did HTOL Nq Firefly diary work on this?
She’s Edna from the New Tales of game. Howvwer there is a wind guy in that game who is blind. so kind of opposite?
nah man Mario and Luigi: Out of Toner for Xerox coming 2017