
that is the sexy way!

I loved this show and not because it had cute bears!

People are going to buy this and the voice pack just to spam voice commands in game to annoy people.

Just got into episode 5 got my whole team is stocked with exp amps. I downloaded the free beginner pack items and will play more in the morning.

i like it but i am biased towards the cute and anime things I already consume

Today i learned of everything man

I thought the thing about Russians and peruvians on the servers was a joke but then i actually ran into some that claimed they were peruvian and boy was that game a mess!

anyword on the dlc character thing?

all of those videos are amazing.

Still waiting on the next Shantae game...

I wish i never read the manga of bunny drop if only i had just left it where the anime ended...

if hank says hwat!? he has to say Noni!?

congrats Shar you Beared the bosses and tossed them aside.

oh god a friend showed me that stuff and welll i never could even process it really

Ha! yeah the problem resolved itself not to long ago he seems to have grown out of it i think his mum invested in something like these though.

I always just grip the system and close my eyes never did the B thing

I was upset i cant find any caramel eggs in any stores in my area just choclate and the plain cream egges

Neat i am loving the show and got a smart phone that may be able to play this!

I just did the tutorial the other day haven’t been able to log in since. Did i surrender?