That is an amazing take on it i will hear that no too in my cycle of mis singing the lyrics
Kanji would be OP
I agree on you there with most points. I don't care for him either I just thought the whole stages thing looked odd. wearing hood > add halo and glowy > add more metal accents > make him super angelic with white glowy stufff and flowy hair... oh an add more gold! not there best work.
I can't wait for season 2!
Archon Thanatos was more expensive i believe
didnt even sell the weapos i just wanted 4 of my bitching modded fireaxe!
All i want is Ike, Shulk and Kirby but honestly i won't buy any because i have yo be responsible.
I wish i had waited sadly i bought this new for ps3 steal feeling the burn
I need to get back on Cook/Chef
Man I never got the DLC so i am capped at legendary I believe
Oh god i still need to beat Alpha Sapphire too! I beat the main story of Fantasy Life finished the combat jobs and some of the manufacturing job.
What is so morbid about it? To end a lot of lives :c
Man i really need to beat Inquisition and finish all the lives on Fantasy Life.
But of course he warned you all for years you don't listen and continue to ignore his warnings we are coming for you all... right after our long nap!
Bears need a buff in every game