
I thought I heard that too. Internet rumour, maybe?

I really, really don't count the kiss on DS9 as one of these. It was treated seriously and actually important to Dax's character - particularly since it would make no sense for Dax to be straight (she's been all genders, she's been attracted to all genders, etc). That's why it bugs me when I see people saying that

That thing is Tijuana Bible legendary now. I've never read it myself, though I heard it was hilarious.

Oooh, I'm going to read those Valente's at lunch. Thank you! I tried to read "Normal Porn for Normal People" years ago and I swear I took one look at the pic that was at the top of the page (if this is the one I'm thinking of?) and noped right out. Something just triggered a big old chicken response from me. And

I never really thought of these stories as fanfic, mostly because Creeypasta actually means spooky stories told on the internet. They can use existing characters and a few of them warp childhood properties (like Zelda in 'Ben Drowned') but most of them don't. They're campfire stories for the modern world. What are

I was thinking specifically of "The Wire" when Garak lashes out at Bashir in a quite cruel way, and Bashir doesn't rise to the bait at all. He just says something like, "I'm sorry to hear you feel that way," and keeps doing his job. Which makes him both a good doctor and a good friend.

They phased out Bashir and Garak for Bashir and O'Brien, which annoys me because we could easily have had both. People can have more than one friend and have different dynamics with those friends. Even if one of those dynamics is very flirtatious.

I admire McConaughey a lot as an actor, but I would be way way more excited to meet Siddig as well.

Bashir's gradual transformation is great because… okay, these boy-to-man stories are really common, right? But most of them are more - I don't quite know what to call it - traditionally masculine in theme, or something? Like a lot of them are about that kind of character toughening up. But instead Bashir becomes a

Nog is a great example. He's the kind of character you end up feeling actually proud of. And no other Trek would have taken the Ferengi so seriously. They weren't just some big joke in DS9.

I always forget how little Garak actually was in the show. He has such a huge presence.

The way Bashir grew up over the course of the series is one of the best things about DS9, and I'm glad to see that it was deliberate and they had long-term arcs in mind from the beginning for the characters. Siddig isn't wrong when he says that was rare on TV in those days.

The one with Udo Kier will always be my favorite because his conversation is like nothing else on this earth, but this one was really charming too. I loved the story about McConaughey insisting on being called the character's name. And I had no idea Siddig and Malcolm McDowell were related.

I think that's already happened, what with the next Captain America movie turning into Avengers 3.

Jon Hamm as The Tick.

I too would like to think that, but I'm not sure anyone can restrain Depp at this point.

Yeah, I didn't find it too long either? I love analysis of terrible stuff, though.

'You leave and you kind like you were just looking at a Matthew Barney exhibit and just thinking about testicles for two hours or something like that. I don’t know. That’s terrible. Don’t write that. '

I was kinda hoping the new series would be a sequel to that.

I guess I don't see why Dwayne Johnson wouldn't be able to? He's handled every role he's had - even in very silly stuff - extremely well. And he's always had a good sense of humor about himself. I think he'd know what the part required.