
The divorce hasn’t finalized yet.

Yes, in 2020. The legal process is ongoing.

There’s no solid evidence of that, but it seems to be the case given context clues. 

We have to remember that this is RTD’s retelling of something to a magazine as part of a publicity tour. So we need to take this with several grains of salt. Who knows what Harris actually said if he actually said anything and RTD isn’t exaggerating or completely making it up to get publicity.

I’m so tired of people getting this wrong. The character on the show is “Doctor Who’s Monster”.

Those are clearly real-life imaginings of the Turismo Classic from GTA Online with a bunch of ugly vents and a spoiler tacked on.

Per the video, he wasn’t stopped. he was coming to a stop. 

Agreed, pedal misapplication incidents are nearly impossible if one is a left foot braker. But such a slim minority actually drive this way, that it’s safe to assume that Alan Ruck is an “ordinary” right foot braker, and may have lost track of which pedal his right foot was over. Especially with an EV where you don’t

Okay hold on, I’m sorry.
Neil Patrick Harris is one of the original, dyed-in-the-wool MSTies.
He’s been circulating the tapes longer than most of us have been alive.
There is no way in hell he didn’t know the basics of Doctor Who, even if he didn’t know the specifics.

The medical community is way too small for Doctor Howser to not have a passing familiarity with him at least.

I have heavy doubts about this line as well, and think Davies was just being dramatic turning a “I don’t know anything about it” into a “I never heard of it”. But as famous as Doctor Who is, it’s still a foreign IP that hasn’t been in the limelight all that long. Trek is an American production, and James Bond has been

This is weird, right? I know pop culture figures can’t be omniscient about all other pop-culture properties out there but given NPH’s geek cred this is somewhat vexing.

The 14th Doctor is only going to be around for the 60th anniversary specials.

I don’t believe for one second that Neil Patrick Harris “...never even heard of Doctor Who.”

I was good until that Conclusion paragraph...

My concern is the gigacastings, if you have any damage to them it would write off the vehicle

I hate the two-tone on the Platinum, it really emphasizes odd cut lines, it sucks that the bronze only comes that way.

I believe this is also a wagon

So Americans will rush to buy the Affordable Health Car, but have a visceral loathing for the Obama Car?

The sedan is indeed weird but stands out as being more unique, this is nice but it’s not as unique, I like both for different reasons, if drives like the sedan (which was so damn pleasant to drive it was ridiculous) it will be great.