
Everything but the expense. Driving shouldn’t be a pass time of the rich, but for the educated. I’m all for tighter protocols for earning a license.

So we’re clear, that pursuit of a reckless driver is concocted to brush aside the fact that he was doing 55 in a 45 at the time of the manslaughter. No lights, no sirens, looking at his computer.

My husband wonders why I don’t ride my bike more in our semi-rural area. It’s because people drive like complete assholes and I don’t want to be blamed for being hit while riding on the shoulder of a 25 mph road when the traffic is doing 50. Running is bad enough and I can leap away if needed. One of my friends was

Drivers in the US are poorly fkn trained. Zero accountability overall. Too easy to get a license. Im living proof of that. My license is Florida was joke easy to get. Needs to harder, more expensive with more intense training for a powerful technical system that is a car.

“BiKE laNEs dON’t wORk aND arE A waSTe oF MonEY!

Drives me mad. There’s a person posting exactly that kind of drivel elsewhere here, but they seem focused on bicyclists not paying taxes and then kind of inferring that they don’t have any business on the road, so screw ‘em.

BuT I sAw a bIKeR RuN a sToP siGN

I’m surprised they didn’t try to pin a felony on the driver he was supposedly pursuing so they could pin this on that driver as felony murder.

Honda Ridgeline. It’ll be like the quad-cab SSR that never was!

I just wasted a whole morning getting a safety inspection done (my usual place was unexpectedly closed) and I’ve had nonsense in the past from shady shops (NY), but overall I still support it for the same reason you said.  There needs to be some standard of road worthiness.  Maybe the German TUV is overkill, but

To me the videos are proof that comprehensive state inspections are a good thing. None of the cars in those videos have Massachusetts plates and there is a reason. If I have a wheel bearing with even a little bit of wobble it’ll get an reject. Check engine light anytime in the last 100 miles? Reject. extensive rust on

I agree the current no-fly list is a terrible idea, filled with racism and false positives, that target innocent people. However, junking it and starting fress with people who claim their untrained pug is their emotional support animal, or Karens that will not control their kids while they scream drunkenly at stewards

Tell them that we don’t have enough lithium and no one bats an eye. Tell them we’ll run out of oil and everyone loses their goddamn mind.

Last time I checked there was a NON-infinite amount of petroleum in the ground, so there is that issue also.

Such drama. We’re incredibly early in the EV adoption process. I bet there were people in 1923 who wouldn’t be able to imagine a world built around the internal combustion engine. “Who’s gonna make millions of miles of paved roads? You? And oil? Good Lord, there isn’t enough oil in the earth’s crust to fuel a billion

Bah. This is all histrionics from Stellantis.

And this is why its important to continue research and development of batteries that don’t use lithium. Metals like magnesium, graphite, vanadium. Toyota claims they will have a solid state battery ready by 2025 and those don’t use lithium either. That’s probably why Toyota is being so quite about EVs: Because once

All utility infrastructure needs to be state owned. This includes power, rail, and telecommunications. Usage leasing should be made available to non-profits to allow competition, or for an individual or small entity to set up their own enterprise.

These for-profit monopolies using state and federal funds while milking

I dunno, I have no say in the subsidization going to gas/oil conglomerates so ppl have cheap gas (which I don’t use).

Fellow Minnesotan here. EV owners have to pay an annual EV surcharge when they renew their tabs every year, in addition to the usual tab fee.