
I find the Walker flag an interesting one, because McFarlane rightly asked the ESPN rules expert what the fuck he was supposed to do to prevent that collision. He’s clearly going for the pick there and given how awful the pass was, he had as much right to the ball as the receiver did.

Yet, here you are reading articles about it and posting as well!

You’re “genuinely asking” why people watch football? I’m genuinely asking why people like you bother to “genuinely ask” questions like this all week every week during football season?

It’s an escape from reality on Sunday and Monday for several million people. Whether it’s good or not, I have no specific opinion. But that’s the answer. Some people read; some people do the crossword; some people dress up like ancient knights and fight with plastic swords while hopped up on Sudafed and ambien. It’s


...that’s a strangely specific thing to always have said.

We have very different interpretations of ticky-tack.

Tranny swap into a better ZJ, and keep the cowl tag from the original as a souvenir/documentation.

This is Deadspin, we all float down here.

It’s like a Flame.  

When you’re up 28-3 and the other team comes back to steal your soul, that’s a “Thrasher”.

What’s a Thrasher?

Matt, look on the bright side...I’m sure this feels better than being up 28-3 once.

I haven’t played Fortnite in over a year (and really only played STW when I did), but even as a bystander I really do enjoy the amount of production value and very impressive technical effects they employ in these events.

They went dark on all their platforms (twitter, youtube even fortnite’s official website). I know they are totally doing it to generate mystery and hype but damn it’s totally working.

I dunno. Why do people spend so much time and energy chasing sex when the pursuit is so often filled with hand-wringing, heart-break and frustration?

Unless the receiver is a Patriot. Then you just turn and ask Tom Brady if it was pass interference and go off his word.

Technically it’s only Pass Interference if you pull the receiver to the ground while the ball is in the air, punch their helmet, and then take out a Sharpie and write “I did pass interference” on the receiver’s jersey before the whistle is blown.

Not sure about Mexico. In America, he’d be elected president.

I hope he’s convicted.  I can only imagine the penalty if it were a hand in the box.