Wait, is Ennis being considered for a job at Dead spin?
Wait, is Ennis being considered for a job at Dead spin?
I recognize that I am not qualified to speak on this case or the larger issue of domestic violence. So I won’t. Hope everyone has a great Friday.
You know, I was sure that Buck is technically in the wrong, that somewhere in the deepest corners of the MLB rulebook there’s something about managers entering the field of play before play has concluded. And while there are rules about the base coaches staying in their boxes, and (obviously) mound visits, I can’t…
Matthew Vaughn’s grimy, under-appreciated Kick Ass
Deadpool Can Fuck Right Off - A Totally Objective Review By Shawn Cooke. Totally Objective, You Guys.
So, wait, Deadpool’s first movie made a butt ton of money, and a good portion of that was from people who had, at best, a passing knowledge of what deadpool was. I include myself in that category.
A 4 requires the ball to cross the boundary as well, it just means that it bounced before it crossed the boundary.
Yes but it doesn’t matter if you make contact with the bat. You can do whatever you want with your body as long as you hit the ball.
Did the ball hit his body? No.
That is a 6. The point is to score runs. You get 6 runs for hitting it that far, so if you can do it a lot without getting out, like AB, you do it. You get 4 runs for hitting it to but not over the boundary, like hitting it to the wall in baseball. Other numbers of runs are scored by the two batsmen running between…
If you want to see someone launching shit in all directions, there’s a Tim Horton’s in Langley you should definitely check out.
if the ball actually hits your leg where its trajectory would have otherwise resulted in its hitting the wicket, then yes, that’s LBW.
+1 for the joke, -1 for the explanation.
Wrong sport. That’s actually a two minute penalty for delay of game - puck over the glass.
Which I think is the real desirable outcome here. In a sense, it’s almost the point of such laughably large damages awards. Even if reduced, just for the privilege the company will have to spend more money on a trial. It’s food for thought and quite punitive.
Yeah, especially since a club sandwich should be made with turkey not chicken.
“The moral is: don’t be a dick, just deal with employee injuries like a decent person”
Sorry I’m not buy it.
I’m stuck in the pricing scheme of the mid 90s. In my mind, a can of soda should be $.50, a can of tomato soup a quarter, and a fast food value meal $5.00. I’m a very grumpy old man.