
The best way to fix an underwater loan is to learn from it, so it only happens once.

My favorite is the look on Dean Heller’s face as he realized he could have voted no and saved his career.

Well, since he did something useful...there is only one thing to say then:

Approximately like this.

Dear Mitchell.

God, Mitch takes that big fat L right in his fucking face.

There’s a great bit from the LA Times today from their article on McCain:

This is exactly like the press outta North Korea. Not even a joke.

I’m guessing it was just a huge cry for attention. White women pull this shit when they aren’t getting the spotlight they think they deserve.

“College athletes shouldn’t be paid because they get a free education.”

“Some of y’all can count TO TEN?!”

I honestly get the feeling that he’s doing exactly what he wants to with his career.

By your population logic China and India would be world soccer powers and Uruguay and Portgual would be terrible.

He struggled for YEARS before Mad Men. Those fab looks were a detriment while he was coming up, because he simply looked too “old” for the beach boy Zach Efron-y parts that were available. That MM happened along was the once in a century lighting bolt synthesis of actor and role. He’s been smart enough to parlay the

I mean, he was good in Baby Driver. Random, but definitely not shitty.

I voted for him to replace Affleck as Batman. Hamm has also said that it was really difficult getting a role before Mad Men, so maybe he’s TOO handsome?

Bush jr. might be an idiot and easily bottom 10 worst presidents of all time I at least find him sincere. Like he actually has some form of human compassion and decency in that idiotic heart of his. He was a stooge for guys like Chenney, Rove, Rumsfeld, etc... but he looked like he gave a damn about people. Unlike

And for all Dubya’s faults, at least he can paint:

Is it just me or is that a row of middle fingers and his hair in the middle, because he’s the center of the universe?

This shit is why I still slow down and I look most of the time that I have a green light. Yes you’re right, it’s your right of way, and the other guy is an asshole if they run the light, but being right doesn’t keep you from dealing with the consequences of several tons of metal slamming into you.