Sterling was not only recorded with his knowledge, but he was the one who instructed his girlfriend to record him. Said it was because he was forgetful. She has hundreds of hours of recordings.
Sterling was not only recorded with his knowledge, but he was the one who instructed his girlfriend to record him. Said it was because he was forgetful. She has hundreds of hours of recordings.
At this stage of the Donald Sterling saga, I am less disappointed in Donald Sterling for being racist than I am with about 75% of the American people for not having even the slightest clue as to how the first amendment works.
No, this does not violate the first Amendment. Have you ever actually read the first Amendment? It begins "Congress shall make no law.....". It is ONLY a prohibition on government restriction of speech. The government. That's it. Nowhere in the Constitution does it say that private employers are prohibited from firing…
It doesn't violate shit. First Amendment only protects you from the government. Private companies can do what they damn well please in regards to anything you say.
First ammendment is a government thing and not a company thing. Everyone pulls it out but they don't actually understands what it means.
It's very easy for literate sports-obsessed 20-49-year-old highly educated white men (which, while that demographic isn't ALL of Deadspin's readership, it surely is a high proportion) to think that we could be Bill Simmons. But Bill Simmons is Bill Simmons, and we are not, and that engenders jealousy and impossible…
If there's any complaint I have about Simmons it's that via volume and longevity, his schtick just got old, and others took it's best parts and made better versions of it. And I don't particularly begrudge him for that.
I like Simmons; we don't share many interests, so I don't read a ton of his stuff anymore, but he seems like a decent enough guy and I consider him at least 1 percent responsible for my getting paid to write about hamburgers on a sports website. His greatest sins are ubiquity and corniness, both of which are terrible,…
This may be an unpopular opinion in these parts, but I still like Simmons, I enjoy his podcasts and ever his columns when he still bothers writing them.
We all can poke a little fun, but Grantland really does have some people doing excellent work there (and getting paid for it, which is sadly notable still on the web).
I was raised by a slightly-overprotective single mother who was convinced that the sports I liked, baseball, football and hockey, were too dangerous for a child of my size. A series of childhood illnesses kept me rather undersized for years - I weighed 40 pounds entering the 3rd grade and left the 5th grade weighing…
The tragicomdey of freshman lacrosse: I was small, uncoordinated, unable to grasp positioning and other offensive necessities, and generally bad at all of it, except for winning the draw on faceoffs. I was unusually good at it, but due to the other aforementioned factors, I only saw the field in blowouts. A blowout…
All right, a serious one.
When I was in 4th grade, I joined the newly formed "Dad's Club" softball league. Being a new league, there were few regulations in place. So there was a notable lack of a mercy rule.
In one of our first games, we played a team with an above-average group of fourth graders. Meaning they could all hit. My team,…
A friend of mine was born without his right hand. He has a small "nub" instead. When he was young, he used a prosthetic hand that he didn't like very much. We were on a soccer team for 6 and 7 year olds, and during one game he was using his prosthetic hand (and had had it on all day) when it became uncomfortable. So…
Well, besides my mom calling out my little league coaches for not starting me in a LONG ARTICLE PUBLISHED IN OUR TOWN NEWSPAPER I really don't have any. Too bad.
When I was in 4th grade, I became a kickball legend. I was playing 2nd base, with runners on 1st and 2nd base, with no outs. Anyway, up comes the opposing team captain and he kicks a screaming line drive right to me (out #1). I catch the ball chest high, center mass. I pivot slightly to my right and notice the the…