Since none of the writers are bothering to correct this, I will post it here that this article is based on bad reporting:…
I starred you to take you out of the pending, because here’s hoping you are right. It’s just all so fucked up that I am hypersensitive to it all now. I feel like most women’s products aren’t even selling to us. I just don’t see men constantly cut up and cropped to sell products to men. It’s hard to see the slight…
The thing is though that it’s a bold color so I would need to see the whole face to make sure that it doesn’t look crazy bold. I’ve fallen for the trap of just buying the lipstick based on images of lips and I always end up with a crazy bold color that it not versatile enough to justify the price.
Exactly my point black women are oversexualized so why toe the line? Why not show the whole face not just for her but for all their models? As a woman, I don’t get much from how the lipstick will look without seeing the whole face so if they are advertising to me why show just one part?
I guess I’m so used to body parts on women being sexualized cut out and cropped. I don’t think they were specifically aiming to do that, but it so often happens. This is discussed in some detail in a killing us softly that analyzing advertising’s image of women.
She is quite obviously very beautiful and the haters don’t realize that they are actually giving her more publicity. What I don’t like is the need to crop out women’s body parts. Like why can’t they use her whole face at least? I get that it’s a lipstick ad, but why are we selling sexualized images of lips to women as…
Interesting that starring your comment doesn’t actually star it? Did you get blocked for speaking up?
The irony of jezebel being a feminist site while they employ writers hell bent on destroying it.
To the people screaming I don’t understand what’s so bad about saying to hillary that “having a uterus doesn’t qualify you for president.” Try saying to Obama “being a black man doesn’t qualify you for president.” See how fucked up that sounds? Because Obama got this far in our racist country in spite of being a black…
Sad that this is what jezebel has come to. I am not giving up hope though. They do listen sometimes. In the meantime let’s keep searching for better. Or one of us could decide to start their own. I would read it.
Oh and I did some more research and feministing seems to be all up on the hit pieces too.
I dismissed your comment, because like a true berniebot you are missing the point entirely and trying to throw the kitchen sink at her and hoping something sticks ESTABLISHMENT! RACIST! EVIL! BENGHAZI! Enough is enough go back to breitbart where you can all circle jerk with your hate for hillary.
Sadly a lot of overlap between them. These are the #alllivesmatter #notallmen cosby could be innocent people who have now found the oscar diversity cause to be upset about.
“Not to defend Killer Mike”