not working 2

Well, as for why they're still separated, it's got to do with their being different organizations—Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts do have pretty different philosophies on a lot of things.

This issue is a tough one, which frustrates me endlessly. When I was at school, we had the WISE (Women into science and engineering) bus come to school. It was pretty cool, but there was only me and one other girl from the year below me who were interested. Well, us and my male friends who hung round the door

The page for Scouts in general is reasonable. Plus, why the hell can't sparkle, health and beauty products be for boys too? There was a similar sparkly makeup girls camps where I used to live—my friend signed up her 14 year old boy for it (he is remarkably chill and feminist for a 14 year old).

Well, as a true dyed-in-the-wool pervert who used to sell sex toys, I can tell you that my immediate first thought was, "oh yeah. Textured." So that would be my guess as to why pepperoni. If you don't want to go out and buy a big veiny dildo, this might be your cheapest option. Or else he's using the cheap stuff

Upon hearing this latest news, the NFL now contests both Janay Rice and Adrian Peterson's son were high at the time of their respective abuse.

Why did it matter?

He tried to get a shot of his balls, too, but he couldn't fit them in the frame.

If you smoke marijuana, Tony Stewart will kill you.

If you had a drink 2 weeks ago, you aren't still impaired. Marijuana is the same way, just because it stays in your system way longer doesn't mean you are impaired for more than a few hours. The trace amounts of marijuana will likely be dragged out as a big deal though, because there's some insurance company somewhere

So what you're saying is that rich people deserve two parking spaces, while us peons only deserve one? Like they're better people than everyone else? Seriously?

This is how you deal with asshats when you have an offroader

If you are parking in a remote spot in an unfilled lot, why park over two spots? If nobody is going to park next to you, what is the point?

As much as I love Lotuses (Loti?), I really hope for some half blind 90-something dude to plow right into the front corner of that Lotus while trying to park his 1970's Lincoln town car in the handicapped spot that he rightly deserves.

How about taking up two handicap spaces? That ought to go for the douche crown

Hummers fit in one space. The driver's ego takes up at least 3.

actually, when your truck is longer than one spot, no fowl on using two.

No car is allowed two spaces. Well maybe a Ferrari. For all the other cars safety in case of fire. long as you're not drunk.