We are so not unicorns. I banged many dudes and have no regrets at all.
We are so not unicorns. I banged many dudes and have no regrets at all.
I bloomed early... 14 actually. But I've had a high number of partners and my ratio of one night stands to relationship partners is way higher.
I'm one of those unicorns who has had what I would consider a pretty large number of partners and very few regrets, I guess. I regret a few of them because things didn't work out as I'd planned but that was usually a situation of me not being right for a person I was in a relationship with. I rarely regret a one…
My mother on premarital sex said "You wouldn't buy a car with out test driving a few first!!" Our mothers are really into making sure we have good transportation.
I was a pretty good slut back in the day and now I just tell people they retired my number.
My mother's advice was that I should ride a few stallions before I pick one. I think she was slightly bummed when I married the only stallion I'd ever ridden.
My sons are 10 and 5 now, I'm sad that this is the only world they'll ever know.
Like ... why? NOBODY is worth telling my intimate details in an initial email, I'm sorry. He could look like Adam Levine and have Chris Pratt's personality and Bill Gates' money — and he still wouldn't get to know how many people I've slept with when we've got absolutely no ongoing relationship.
He seems like a real keeper! I don't have any readable tattoos, but I'm sure I can balance a magazine on my back. Please send him over when you're done with him.
"Are you out of the greys on Jezebel? Because if you're not, I would find that quite crippling. I cannot be seen with a grey."
This guy (this is a screenshot of a message to me) needs to meet her. I bet they have loads in common.
It seems like less fuss to apply for a home loan.
I love that you are so sweet you believe this woman has any friends. My guess is no one can make it past the first round of interviews.
I'm pretty sure it's all going into her MA thesis, "Men Who Do Not Bother to Read Profiles and Hit on Women Based Solely on Pictures: A Theoretical Approach."
I bet she makes schedules every time she goes on vacation and throws a fucking fit if it is not followed.
Whatever happened to letting people find out you're crazy the old-fashioned way?
I'm pretty sure this enterprising young woman just revolutionized methods of obtaining data for an undergrad thesis.
"..and make sure you've at least answered, at LEAST a few hundred questions on this site. Otherwise our match percentage is likely inaccurate. If I have time to answer thousands, you have time to answer a few hundred."
I get that creepers are a thing on dating sites, but when I see things like this it makes me think she should just deactivate her account and step away from the computer for a while. Yeesh.
What's your greatest weakness?