
“Sir, the problem is that your car has a gluten aversion.”

I do a lot of landlord/tenant law in MA (tenant side). After getting a settlement where my client’s attorney’s fees were paid and she waived a few months rent of statutory damages in counterclaims, and she got to stay for 6 months rent free, the opposing attorney called me well after office hours that night to tell me

I also would have accepted “greedy bastard.”

Yeah, quit getting paid to defend the little guy and go do some pro-bono corporate work! Greedy monster!!

I refuse to believe that these things cost $34,000. I see tons of hood beat to shit tow trucks or cars cruising parking lots all the time with the same equipment, reading plates for cars with repo alerts. Not a fucking chance all these shithole fly by night janky towing companies have that kind of coin. This is

That’s what we call corporate cronyism. Someone is greasing the palms of whoever makes these decisions in San Jose so they can sell this equipment at an absurd markup. Who cares that it fucks the taxpayers over and, when the equipment is actually necessary to make cops or the public safer, delays or limits the

For the brand, it won’t matter. But for the health of domestic auto manufacturing, yeah, it hurts. If it weren’t for China’s deliberate attempt to game the system in its favor we should be exporting cars to there, not the other way around. At least during its peak China’s demand was enough to solve a lot of the crises

1st: I can’t say this surprises me. Buick over the past 10 years has only made sense if one remembers that China is Buick’s largest market and actually gives a shit about Buick.

You can’t spell Chrysler without C-R-A-P. Well, actually you can, but, hey, close enough for a Chrysler QA inspector.

Oh god, this thing is the worst. No visibility, crappy trim that falls off, hard to service, if you get the CVT and it breaks there’s no way to service it, uncomfortable seats that make your back hurt, road noise. I think I can make the world’s longest run-on sentence just listing this car’s faults.


I think we were talking about hellcats...hellcats for all!

I loved the 4-cylinder in my ‘79, when a small truck was a small truck, and it was enough.

wait, did they just keep going?