
Meanwhile, GM is smiling, because after this interview, we're talking about Matt Lauer and Ms. Barra's children, not the victims and their children.

It's like Modern Art. It challenges you. It does the unexpected. It dares you to examine your emotional response to what you're seeing. Like a good Miro or an early Picasso, it's not a traditional representation of beauty but you KNOW it's representing something beautiful.

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I once drove the Mazda Furai concept car for about a mile at parking lot speeds. One of my favorite car experiences ever.

It's important to look at why so many people died — that medical attention was so poor, that the Mercedes so easily split into multiple parts and sprayed out its fuel, that the crowd was so poorly protected.

Interesting fact: The boom operator has to have a Top Secret security clearance, because s/he has to visually guide the boom to the refueling aircraft (lying on his or her belly looking down out of a little peep window), and the aircraft you're refueling might be out of Area 51 (or operational and Top secret, like the

It's like the Popemobile of suck.

I just always assumed it was a Clark Kent / Superman sort of deal.

When I do company valuations for my job we use EBITDA which is earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization. I pay more attention to direct cash costs and a warranty on a cayman is basically like selling oil futures against future oil production to protect agains unexpected price fluctuations. I

Honestly, I'd love to know what Doug drives. Does anyone know what Doug DeMuro drives? Anyone?

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I think more specifically, none of the things that make cars better make ALL cars better. Not every car is better with more power, or lighter, or with a manual, or even with RWD.

Most people who hate FWD haven't given it a chance, or drove a crappy Civic 10 years ago that handled like a pig and wrote it off. Push come to shove, I go RWD. I like 400hp V8s and those don't tend to sit well in FWD cars. BUT, I just gave FWD another shot and the Focus ST is a hell of a car. It does surprisingly

See, this is why I get so bugged with all the stupid arguments people get in around here. Yes I do think RWD is ultimately more fun for the enthusiast, but goddamnit you can still make a REALLY REALLY REALLY good and really fun car without it.

Honestly? It's probably damn difficult to uniformly flag 13 vins across the myriads and myriads of systems that operate each individual department. You're kind of treating this like old Sal down in the mail room pulled down the recall folder and hand wrote some recalls maliciously. That isn't how it is.

Thanks bro

Or a new Top Gear race car sponsor.